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  • Users: becstalls
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  1. becstalls

    6 month hen with pasty butt and weird poops

    Six month cream legbar with a poopy butt. Gave her a 20 min warm bath to soak it off. After cleaning the feathers I could see what looked to be skin that had calloused to protect her, so possibly this has been going on longer than I could tell. She pooped on the towel while I was drying her...
  2. becstalls

    Poop suddenly reeks

    When I went to let the chickens out this morning, I could tell from yards away that the manure in the coop smelled way worse than usual. It normally has a typical barn/animal smell, but even the general nature of the smell was totally different this morning. When I opened the coop door to scrape...
  3. becstalls

    Foamy eye

    I have a 9-10 week old Salmon Faverolles pulley with a swollen and foamy eye. I read that MG could be a cause, but she doesn’t have any respiratory symptoms that I can tell. It looks more bruised to me than inflamed, and she is at the bottom of the pecking order. Could this just be from an...
  4. becstalls

    Temporary cover

    Hi all. I’m wondering if anyone has any good solutions for temporary cover for a chicken run. The run is about 30’x 50’ (eyeball estimate) with a 4’ chain link fence on two sides, the other two will be chicken wire. The run used to contain a large oak tree, but we had to bring it down because it...
  5. becstalls

    Filling gaps in the coop: best materials?

    Basic question: will chickens try to eat silicon caulk? Hello all, as we fix up our coop, there are a number of gaps that need to be filled to prevent drafts. When we built the coop, the wood we had was still green, and as it has sat, it has developed some cracks, gaps, and knot holes. The...
  6. becstalls

    How can you tell which chicken lays which eggs?

    I frequently see people mentioning that they know which hen is laying or which hen lays which eggs. I never could tell this with my old flock. Is it that you’re catching them in the act, or is there another way to tell?
  7. becstalls

    How many of each and why?

    I'm planning to buy 12 pullets for a mixed flock in the next month or two (pending coop construction). Tell me how many of each you would get and why. The breeds/types I'd like to get are the following: Mottled Java Cream Legbar Barred Plymouth Rock Black Australorp Easter Egger
  8. becstalls

    From There to Here: The coop that moved with us and crazy life.

    Hi all. As we are getting back into raising chickens and working on rehabbing our coop, I though I would start a thread of our adventures just to share pictures and be able to get opinions and ideas. Waaay back in 2010, my husband and I decided to raise chickens for eggs. I discovered backyard...
  9. becstalls

    Pop door and closed run

    Is it necessary to open and close the pop door daily if the run is completely enclosed, or can it just be left open?
  10. becstalls

    Sicilian Buttercup breeders?

    Does anyone here breed Sicilian Buttercups or know of anyone who does?
  11. becstalls

    Bored waiting for chicks. Show me your chicken pics!

    Hi all, my “cheeps,” as my son calls them, won’t arrive until April, and I have some serious chicken fever right now, so please help me out and post some pictures of your new cheeps or your old cheeps!
  12. becstalls

    Will a small animal (like a hamster) water bottle work for chicks?

    I haven’t been able to find an answer to this with a search, but will a small animal waterer, like the kind you’d use in a hamster cage work for baby chicks? I already have one I can use, and it seems like it would be a good solution to assure they have clean water. But since it doesn’t look...
  13. becstalls

    Tree service wood chips for deep litter method inside coop?

    While we are rehabbing our old coop in prep for spring, I thought I’d reach out to a local tree service to see if they had any wood chips to use as litter inside the coop. When I told hubby about the idea, he rejected it on the grounds that wood chips from a tree service would still be too...
  14. becstalls

    Hello from western PA

    Hello. My family and I have decided to get back into raising chickens this spring. About 10 years ago we had a flock, but one night a raccoon broke through the ventilation in our coop and killed them all. Between that and having a 2yo and a newborn, we decided to hold off on chickens until we...
  15. becstalls

    egg coated in yolk

    I know i've seen this posted on here somewhere before, but I've been unable to find it in a search. I have a hen (not sure which one) that's been laying an egg that appears to be coated with yolk. It's a thin dry layer by the time I get to it, but it's been happening for about a week now...
  16. becstalls

    Buff Barring?

    Sorry, just found the other thread on this...
  17. becstalls

    Which hatchery has the broodiest Orpingtons?

    I'm looking to get some BO's specifically for their broody quality. If you've purchased them from a hatchery, could you please tell me which hatchery they came from and whether they are: not broody at all, average, or very broody. Thanks
  18. becstalls

    Broody question

    Can a chicken successfully hatch out an egg at this time of year? I have a barred rock that seems to have gone broody. She's only on one egg, and if she can actually hatch out a chick this time of year, I'm thinking of just letting her ride it out. But I have never had a broody chicken...
  19. becstalls

    Problem uploading pictures?

    Is anyone else having problem uploading pictures? I wasn't having any problem doing it, but for the past week or so I click the submit button, and it starts to upload but then just quits.
  20. becstalls

    genetic deformity? *picture*

    Hi all. This is Evil, my little white EE. (she gets her name from being demonic looking after eating tomatoes, her bill deformity makes her beard all tomato stained like she'd been drinking blood) She's about 7 months old now. I'm wondering if her bill deformity is from inbreeding at the...
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