Two-year-old Blue Production - in an earlier thread, she was my girl who would poop half the time a little bit before she laid an egg. About a week ago she laid a shell-less egg, and hasn't laid since. About four days ago, she was listless, tail down (the penguin look), and not eating. That...
Two of my hens are blue production, 2 years old. One of them, for months if not for as long as she's been laying, has poop on her egg about 1/3 to 1/2 the time she lays - otherwise, perfectly clear of poo. Recently, though, a couple of times, instead of poop, there's been a bit of blood. I...
I don't see anything in the manual about lubricating any parts, and in keeping it clean, it all seems very obvious. As for possible lubrication or other tips on maintenance for this door, does anyone have any advice? I ask because it's sounding a little...uneven when it opens. I haven't...
My dear smart people, I want to run polywire around the perimeter of our outdoor run, which is about a 50' x 9-10' rectangle. I've scoured many, many tube videos, but can't find an A-Z "here's what you need to do," especially as it pertains to size of the run vs. how many grounds I need, how...
I ask this because a few nights ago, two of our hens, somehow, did not make it into the coop before the auto door shut. The timer is set to shut 30 minutes after dark, and all's been well since late winter a number of months ago. I get up rather early in the morning, and when I do get up...
We have three production blue chickies a little over two weeks old. They're outside in a coop brooder with access to a little run that's about 2.5' x 5' - dirt ground, which they've now realized they can be out there as much as they want - and they are quite a bit. What would be good to throw...
My three girls never used the box I made. It’s about a foot off the ground with a ladder that allows access. The box is about 12” high by 14” deep and probably 30” wide. The entrance to it is about 12” x 16”. They chose to lay in the corner of the coop. You’ll see from the photo where I made a...
I thought I was being clever by using zip ties to attach my bird netting - and maybe it was if I had no plans to try to easily access the extended run it covers. For example, to throw in grass cuttings (that my three hens treat like gold), which I've also found is a great way to shake around...
The manual - at least from what I can glean, isn't totally clear about settings. I'm assuming that "light closing level" means the amount of light, and the lower the number/setting, the darker it is. 1 would mean it's pretty darn dark if not nighttime, and 10 would be dusk... Is that true?
I've got a pop door that we use an outside rope to pull to open (an idea I stole from a YouTube video - you can see it in the lower left portion of my avatar picture) so that we can let them in and out without going into the coop/run. With freezing, however, the wood is getting stuck with ice...
We have three hens (our ordinance allows 6), and they are coming up on six months old. We were told they were a cross between RIR and Leghorn, but when I posted photos a a few weeks back, I was told that was not the case. Anyway, In looking on down the road, I've gathered that our girls will...
This couple is from 5 we have that we were told are a cross between Rhode Island Red and Leghorn. I see suspicious saddle feathers on the one on the right, possibly the one on the left, as well. These "girls" are about 4.5 months.
I don't like to post lazy questions, so I did do some research on this and couldn't find any answers. Anyone think spraying the perimeter cloth on the ground will prolong its life?
A few weeks ago I posted photos of our old shed I wanted to make our coop. Here's an update. (Aart - I did replace the roof, which provided a lot of ventilation - thanks for the nudge.).
I had posted earlier about adding a run to this - but now that I've cleaned it out and assessed it, I'm not sure how to proceed. FYI, we're zoned for six chickens, but I'll probably start/stick with four. Obviously, I need to replace/patch up siding at the bottom edges, but I'm wondering: (1)...
I only want four chicks, and mail order farms have anywhere from 10 to 25 as a minimum. Does anyone have chicks for sell in this area, or does anyone in this area want to split an order? I'm a first-time chicken man, and what I'm looking for are layers that are full size.
I'm going to be turning this old shed into a coop. Possibly two or three chickens. Along with making sure I have a window and ventilation, I would like some advice on what an attached fenced run should look like and how to maintain it. My wife doesn't want the chickens running around and...