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  1. jme_vol4ever

    Only 1 of our 10 set hatched.

    Our little Black Copper Marans, Maggie, was the only to hatch out of 10 eggs. Needless to say she has bonded well with us. :)
  2. jme_vol4ever

    Winter Eggs

  3. jme_vol4ever

    Beautiful winter eggs

    Some of the girls are still trucking along despite the shorter days :)
  4. jme_vol4ever

    Introduction :)

    Hey all, I have been raising backyard birds for about 2 years. A friend of mine had a few too many and offered a starter flock, if you will. We began with 3 and now we have 38... chicken math at its best. We currently have Bielefelders, Crested Cream Legbars, French Black Copper Marans, Blue...
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