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  • Users: Dean126
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  1. D

    What comb is this?

    What type of comb is this on my Cockerel? And also what mix of breeds does he seem to be? He is about 6mo. Old.
  2. D

    4 month chicken; male or female?

    I have a mixed breed chicken. I'm kind of stumped if male or female. Help a guy out!
  3. D

    What breed/mix are these 2 month olds? Uncommon breeds*

    Hi all I have some 2 month old chicks, I am having a hard time determining breed. I thought it would become more apparent at this age.*extra points for gender guesses* Here's the ones I'm stumped on.... They are all either pure or mix of the following. Indio Gigante Liege Fighter Cream...
  4. D

    Day old breed guesses

    So my broody just hatched some fertilized eggs I got from somebody and wasn't there to see the eggs, they hatched from. They gave me the list of possible breeds that the eggs are but I'm pretty stumped. Anybody want to take some guesses? Here are the possible breeds: Indio Gigante Liege...
  5. D

    Looking for a rooster. BAY AREA, CA

    Let me know if you got an extra.
  6. D

    What sex are these ones?

    I have 3 chickens I fam questioning their sex. Can anybody provide some input? Also, none of them have crowed at all which I find odd because I believe they are all cockerels. Chicken A - Black Sumatra - 13 weeks Chicken B - Black Sumatra - 14 weeks Chicken C - Exchequer Leghorn - 14 weeks
  7. D

    Question for the horse people on horses diet

    So I saw this video on youtube I am amazed, shocked, and find it very funny at the same time. Can somebody tell me if this is relatively normal, because this is unheard of for me... But I also don't have horses.
  8. D

    Sumatra... Hard to sex

    I know it's hard to sex Sumatras. This is my first time having one. This one in 6.5 weeks old and my 3 others are 5.5 weeks old. They all look the same. Here is a picture of my oldest. Can somebody more experienced help me out with this one?
  9. D

    Roo or pullet? 5 week old speckled sussex

    Suspicious about this one
  10. D

    Exchequer Leghorn crossed with Sumatra or Fayoumis

    So I ended up with an exchequer Leghorn cockerel. In my flock I have black Sumatras and an Egyptian Fayoumis. I don't know much about chicken genetics so I'm wondering if anybody could enlighten me on what a Leghorn x Sumatra or Leghorn x fayoumis would look like. Is this a bad idea?
  11. D

    Introducing adult hen to flock of pullets

    So my flock was wiped out by a Bobcat with 1 survivor. That single hen is being fostered by my uncle down the road while I have been raising a new flock of chicks the last 4 weeks. Would it be OK to introduce my 2 year old hen to my new flock of a dozen 4 week old chicks. I have the means to...
  12. D

    4.5 Week Old Exchequer Leghorn Sex

    What do yall think this one? Im thinking cockerel.
  13. D

    2 welsummer? Or something else?

    I got 2 welsummer female chicks from Meyer hatchery, but as they grow (3 weeks now) their feather pattern looks rather different. Do these both look like welsummer? Chick #1... Picture 1&2 Chick #2... Picture 3
  14. D

    Very little feather development.

    I am brooding 12 chicks right now of different breeds and all of them have almost fully feathered out wings at 16 days old. This one particular chick is a partridge penedesenca. She has barely grown any wing feathers and is still mostly fuzzy like a younger chick. Is this a slow developing...
  15. D

    Help managing the heat today.

    Hi all. We are having a heat wave in California with temperatures above 100 degrees. Yesterday the coolest I could keep the ambian temperature I could keep my house and therefore the brooder was 98 degrees for most of the day. The chicken coop was over 110 so that is not an option. Obviously I...
  16. D

    What the deal with all the bantam?

    So I was on Craigslist today trying to find a new rooster. And half the ads I came across were bantam 'this' and bantam 'that'. I also see a lot of people discussing them on this forum. What I don't understand is why so many people want bantam chickens. Are they good for anything other than...
  17. D

    ISO: Sumatra or Andalusian Rooster. BAY AREA, CA

    I'm located in the bay area in California. I'm looking for a male Black Sumatra or Blue Andalusian. Let me know if you got one.
  18. D

    Andalusian sex. 6 weeks

    I am about to drive 1.5 hours to pick up this suspected cockerel. Owner says it's 6 weeks of age but based on the pics she provided I'm not sure. What do yall think? These are the best pics I got
  19. D

    6 week old cockerel introduction to chicks?

    I am picking up a 6 week old cockerel tomorrow. I am brooding 13 chicks (supposedly all female according to the hatchery). When can I introduce them to each other. I don't really want to wait 12 weeks for them all to be fully grown. I also have the ability to partition. My coop but allow them...
  20. D

    4 day old chick leg problem!

    I have a 4 or 5 day old Sumatra chick. I was just sitting on the couch and heard a loud peeping start from my brooder and noticed on of my chicks on her back unable to right herself. I flipped her over and noticed a limp. She has been totally fine the days before until now. After scouring the...
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