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  • Users: Geckolady
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Geckolady

    Water Glassing Eggs

    It's prime egg laying season, and I decided to try water glassing eggs to preserve some of them for later in the year when the egg laying slows down. I just put two dozen eggs into the water glass solution in a gallon glass pickle jar, and one or two of them were floating. None of these eggs...
  2. Geckolady

    My Dream Rooster! What Breed Is He?

    I want this dude. This sure beats crowing to wake people up. And it looks like he's doing a great job of keeping himself out of the stewpot, too. Smart guy. I need him to sire some batches of chicks that will hopefully turn out just like daddy. Any idea what breed?
  3. Geckolady

    Spaying or Neutering Rats?!?!?

    Oh, you are soooo not going to believe this! Recently rodents have been hanging around after the chicken feed. I set several different types of traps, and this morning I caught one in a live catch trap. OK, so now what do I do with it? I look on line, and this web site suggests taking it to...
  4. Geckolady

    Lame Little Chick

    A chick hatched two days ago with a really big belly that is finally becoming a normal size, and the problem with the legs seems to be where they come out of the body, and not with the legs themselves. The legs stick out to the sides. I looked at threads and tried several braces, but so far...
  5. Geckolady

    Squirrel In A House

    There is a second house on my property that is vacant. Or it was, until the squirrel moved in. At first it was getting inside through the wood stove pipe, then I shut the door to that, and if somehow found another way in. It knocks stuff over, it drives my dogs crazy, and it refuses to leave...
  6. Geckolady

    Hydroponics / Sturdy Greenhouses

    Has anyone tried hydroponics? I've heard some people say that the hydroponic setups they bought didn't work or broke soon after they got them. Other people love them. Any advice or good ideas? Experience? Or greenhouse ideas? It has to be able to withstand gale force winds and blowing...
  7. Geckolady

    Handsome Cockerel

    Well, I think he looks pretty good, anyway. This is Gabriel, he started out as Gabby because he peeped at me all the time, then I found out he's male. I'm located in east central Arizona, and have posted on my state's thread. His parents came to me from a chicken show person who said they're...
  8. Geckolady

    What Breed of Duck?

    I found this meme of this cute little duck on line. I've seen solid black chickens before, but never a solid black duck. Does anybody know what breed it is? Just curious. Thanks.
  9. Geckolady

    Pictures from the Apache County Poultry Show

    This morning I went to the Apache County Poultry Show in Saint Johns, AZ. It was huge for being held in such a small town in a remote location. I just wanted to share pics of some of the nice looking birds there. A Leghorn with a different type of comb. There was another white Leghorn there...
  10. Geckolady

    Chicken's Head Flopping Over

    Last night I saw my two 5 month old silver grey Dorking pullets inside the same nest box, but didn't think too much of it. This morning I checked them early, and they both seemed subdued. Later I checked them again, and they seemed better. I thought maybe they were just sleepy, since my first...
  11. Geckolady

    Crazy Rural Chicken Incident

    This is so silly that I just have to share. I live a ways out of town, and am just within the bounds to get electricity. The phone drops calls if I try to use it indoors, so I have to go out on the porch to talk. Anyway, a storm took out my internet connection early his morning, and I just...
  12. Geckolady

    Any Vintage Movie Experts???

    Can anybody name the actress who had blonde hair and a mole by the corner of her eye? I have a young pullet with a yellow-turning-white head and a small black spot by the corner of her eye. She needs a name. TIA.
  13. Geckolady

    Please Criticize My Coop In Progress

    Don't worry about hurting my feelings. I spent a few years teaching at a high school for troubled kids. I can take it, and would far rather you tell me something is a bad idea than lose a chicken to predators. The main predators here are coyotes, fox, snakes, and hawks. A while back the...
  14. Geckolady

    Pink or Blue?

    The rooster who sired these chicks has a huge comb, and the hens have large combs that flop over, so large combs are likely. The parents are all cuckoo colored Leghorns with some white feathering due to a possible exchequer in the background. Chick #1 is obviously a cockerel, but I'm putting...
  15. Geckolady

    Roo Raisin' Advice

    I am fortunate to have a great rooster as my first roo. He seems to think he's a large parrot, and will perch on my arm if it's nearby and expect to have his feathers stroked. He's great at taking care of the hens, and fertilizes the eggs. Couldn't ask for better. Everybody on the forum...
  16. Geckolady

    Let's Play Pullet or Cockerel

    Chick #1 is 15 days old. This little chick likes to follow me around peeping, and has a lot to say. Because of this, I have tentatively named it Gabby. Is Gabby a Gabriel? Chick #2 is also 15 days old, and the largest of the three. What do you think? And last but not least, #3. This...
  17. Geckolady

    Solved Autocorrect

    Is there any way to turn off the autocorrect? This highly annoying feature in the forum keeps correcting things I type to incorrect things. Maybe you could have a "no autocorrect" along with "no ads" reward for premium feather members? I would pay for that! :barnie Thank you!
  18. Geckolady

    Chick Eye Markings

    One of my three chicks has cool markings around the eyes on both sides. Thought I'd share. It's the same on both sides, but getting the chick to sit still for pictures is a challenge. Sort of looks like a bird of prey? And yeah, I did clean up after the little mess makers. :)
  19. Geckolady

    Day 16--Candling & Cracked an Egg!!!

    I was just candling and found 4 viable eggs. I dropped one of them into the sink and it cracked. I put it back into the incubator. Any hope??? 😭
  20. Geckolady

    July 2021 Hatch-A-Long

    OK, since there doesn't seem to be a July Hatch-A-Long thread, I'll start one! I'm testing out a new Nurture Right 360 incubator and putting eggs in it tonight. I also have some eggs under a broody hen, and all due to hatch in July. The ones under the hen should hatch around July 2nd. Who...
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