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  1. Chickenslol

    ascites or something else?

    I have a 2 year old speckled sussex with some abnormal symptoms, and wondered if anyone had any experience with water belly. A few years ago I had a chicken with water belly who passed so every now and then i check my girls abdomens and crops at night. a few nights ago i noticed that one of my...
  2. Chickenslol

    strange reoccurring infections in chicken

    I have an almost three year old light brown leghorn with off and on infections that I’m having trouble getting to the root of. First: about three weeks ago i pulled aside this chicken because she seemed fluffed up, i checked and found that she had vent gleet, so i treated her with micanzole...
  3. Chickenslol

    Is she too far gone?

    I have an almost 3 year old RIR with a reoccurring infection. Previously she had laid an egg internally and had an infection but after some antibiotics she recovered very well. Now it seems the infection has returned. she is disinterested in food, has a slow crop, has not pooped, but i can...
  4. Chickenslol

    RIR with confusing symptoms

    I have an 3 year old Rhode Island Red with some confusing issues, but she is undoubtedly sick. She is usually very energetic and mobile but today she is slow and puffed up, with a droopy comb. her crop feels like it’s full of water with a few solids, which made my think either sour crop, or...
  5. Chickenslol

    possible crop impaction

    picked up one of my girls this morning and noticed her crop was still full and hadn’t emptied. my working plan is to massage and start the worming process before it becomes a sour crop. when feeling the crop it really did not feel like fibrous material but instead grain, which makes me...
  6. Chickenslol

    minor chicken prolapse/vent gleet prevention

    Hi there! Thank God, it’s been a while since i’ve had to post a thread in this forum section, but here we are again. Went out to let my girls out and noticed one of them in the “pooping” position. She is a black australorp, age 2.5. I made my way to check on her, inspected her vent and...
  7. Chickenslol

    treating entire flock

    wanted to get into doing a yearly deworming for my entire flock as a preventative, does anyone have any tips for dosing a flock of 10 with liquid safe guard goat dewormer? Thanks!
  8. Chickenslol

    possible flock illness brought on by dirty water?

    had to go away on vacation this weekend and left a family friend to chicken sit, came back and she did not dump out their water (their water needs to be dumped out daily because the chickens will knock poop, shavings, food and other crap in the water). their water was completely gross and slimy...
  9. Chickenslol

    possibly egg bound chicken/salpingitis?

    Hi everyone, looking for help with my 2 yr old australorp chicken. picked her up to mover her today and saw that there was a large bump on her abdomen. i felt it, it felt like an egg, so i assumed she had to lay, the next morning no egg, so i gave her an epsom salt bath and some time to...
  10. Chickenslol

    bullying or something else? pecked away vent

    one of my girls has a red pecked away vent. working theory is it’s been pecked away because i know she laid a soft shelled egg a week ago. just making sure it’s not something else
  11. Chickenslol

    speckled sussex sexing

    my 8 week old chick Polka Dot has some bigger combs and wattles than her sister, any ideas?
  12. Chickenslol

    chicken bare underbelly, turning red

    Picked up one of my girls today and saw this, anyone know what it could be caused by? She is about second on the pecking order, and bigger than the other chickens, so i assumed obesity, but she’s not really that large after i compared her. it’s not on any of my other girls though.
  13. Chickenslol

    blue marans?

    just got these new chicks was told both were blue marans, figured i should check
  14. Chickenslol

    Chick journey!!

    I wanted to start a thread to journal how my chicks are doing. I’m thrilled because they will be available sometime this week! A little bit of background on my current flock Started with 2x RIR(one deceased) 2x Black australorps 2x barred rocks (deceased) i unfortunately lost the two BR to...
  15. Chickenslol

    ongoing chicken issue, advice needed

    I’ve had my adorable chicken “duck” for a year and 6 months now. recently she started getting fluffed up, losing weight, and had a crop that wouldn’t empty. i immediately treated for worms, and sour crop as it developed into thst. she was recovering and so i put her back with her sisters for a...
  16. Chickenslol

    Chicken molting/diarrhea

    Good morning, Just had a chicken that is at the end of her molt, her feathers are just coming back now, but this morning she was fluffed up and had white watery diarrhea, could this be related to her molt? I’m worried that my chickens might be too far into their molt to deworm them right now...
  17. Chickenslol

    Bumble foot

    I have a chicken who has had bumble foot for a few days. Yesterday we went in and removed the top scab and today when we went to check it had not drained so we went in and removed the rest of the scab. There was no plug under the scab which makes me nervous, we bandaged her up and put her out...
  18. Chickenslol

    is this mites?

    i came home from a trip to find one of my 9 month old girls with a pale comb and face. I took her inside and was monitoring her for dehydration (it is worth mentioning that she was locked out of the coop and unable to get water for a bit). We checked for mites and noticed these little black...
  19. Chickenslol

    running out of options, please HELP!!!!!!!

    i’ve been looking around for resources and i can’t find anything quite close and when i do the chicken always dies at the end. my past threads have gotten little to no support, and its this or the vet. some information on the bird her name is nickel, she is a GLW, she is 8 months, no previous...
  20. Chickenslol

    abnormal poop, what could this be?

    is this normal poop? this chicken has been quarantined for balance issues and lethargy but i was gonna let her out because she’s made a full recovery, but i’m second guessing. thoughts?
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