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  1. C

    Deworming with Zimerecterin gold, questions

    I had a hen die last week, and the necropsy results revealed she had an abundant tapeworm infestation. No worms or eggs were noted in the gross pathology, but there were 50+ eggs reported in the fecal float. I have never seen any worm segments or eggs in their poop (I have been checking every...
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    Rooster bullying - what to do?

    I have three roosters, a 4 year old EE, a 3 year old legbar, and a 9 month old EE/legbar mix. The EE and the legbar lived together in peace for 3 years with no issues. The legbar can be aggressive at times, but once he faces retaliation he chickens out so the EE never felt threatened. This...
  3. C

    Should open wounds be kept moist or dry?

    (Reposting from reddit because the people on reddit are not helpful) I had a hen get the back of her necked ripped off yesterday, about 2" long and an inch wide. Sounds severe, but this is the fourth time I've dealth with this. I have absolutely no idea why they feel the need to scalp each...
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    Chick born with unabsorbed yolk - Cause?

    I had a chick hatch yesterday with the most severe cause of an unabsorbed yolk I have ever seen. Calling it an unabsorbed yolk is almost downplaying it. Along with the yolk, there was a good chunk of intestines hanging out. I ended up euthanizing the chick shortly after it hatched. To be honest...
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    8 week Legbar EE cross showing barring and lacing simultaneously?

    I have an 8 week old cross between an EE hen and a white legbar roo. The EE hen I suspect to be her mom has faint lacing on her back but besides that doesn’t have much patterning. When she was a chick she had very defined chipmunk patterning with a spot on the head. She was a very slow featherer...
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    4 wks Cream legbar cockerel or EE?

    I have a chick who I was sure was a cream legbar when she hatched, but as she has gotten older I'm starting to doubt that. She looked just like a cream legbar pullet when she was a baby, but she is feathering out way different than a cream legbar pullet. I don't have a picture, but her legs are...
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    How to stop chicks being shrinkwrapped under broody hen

    I checked underneath my broody for chicks around 2:45 this afternoon and found this guy shrinkwrapped pretty bad. Its hard to tell in the pictures but the membrane all around her neck and shoulders was really stuck to her. I helped her out and put her back under her mama, and she is fine and...
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    Broody hen barely eating/drinking

    I have a first time broody girl right now about 10 days along with 6 eggs. So far she is a very determined mother and she even clucks to her eggs, it's all very cute. Sadly, my other hens are less understanding and 5 days ago she lost an egg to another hen trying to get into her nesting box. I...
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    I'm new to this site (joined about a month ago, so not super new), and wanted to say hi! I have 13 chickens in total as of right now (Easter eggers, buff orpingtons, light brahmas, you know standard backyard breeds), and have 6 baby chicks in the brooder (2 cream legbars, 2 frost legbars, 1...
  10. C

    Cream legbar chick with very lightly feathered feet? Is this normal?

    I got two cream legbar chicks (both female) yesterday from a breeder, and the breeder only breeds cream legbars and frost legbars, so there is a very small chance it is a mixed breed. However, one of the chicks looks like it has very faint feathering between it's toes? Cream legbars should be...
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