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  1. Mo_fawaazzz

    New khaki campbell issues

    I got a new 7-8 week old khaki campbell. She mixes well and is ok with my mallards and chickens, but my turkeys and guineas absolutely despise her. The campbell looks almost identical to the mallards but the turkeys somehow differentiate her and attack her instead of the other mallards. What...
  2. Mo_fawaazzz

    Egg laying dates?

    Could you all please tell me when my birds will start laying? I live in Northern Virginia and the temperatures start to get cold at about September 22. Mallards (Were 2 days old on March 13) Rhode Island Reds (Were 2 days old on March 20) Bronze heritage turks (Were 4 weeks old on March 24)...
  3. Mo_fawaazzz

    broody mallards

    I free-range my Mallards and they tend to stay wherever the chickens are. I have a drake and two hens. I clipped one of the hen's wings so that they all won't fly away (the male tends to stay where the females are). They stay near their pool, and next to the pool are two coops. One coop is...
  4. Mo_fawaazzz

    What is the gender of this young OEGB

    Got 4 oegbs, 2 are confirmed roosters, 1 is a confirmed pullet, and this one here is unknown to me. what is the gender of this one? I hope I don’t end up with three roos and only one hen..
  5. Mo_fawaazzz

    European starlings

    Its nesting season and an invasive songbird that is prized in Britain because of its speech ability (can mimic noises, sing, and talk). However, they nest in high locations in my area and they are difficult to get. If you guys have any starling neighbors that you don't want nesting there (they...
  6. Mo_fawaazzz

    Coturnix lifespans

    Has anybody here had a Coturnix live for more than 2 years? I need a breeding+harvesting routine for these birds. Should I keep late-summer eggs under a broody hen and cull the older adults after winter to make room for the new generation? Or can the adults stay around for longer? At what age...
  7. Mo_fawaazzz

    Switching from crumbles to pellets

    My turkeys, ducks, and chickens are ready to transfer to an all flock feed. However, my local TSC does not have all-flock crumbles. They only have pellets. Last time I tried giving my birds pellets they didn't eat them unless they were crushed. How can I get them to eat the pellets?
  8. Mo_fawaazzz

    do male guineafowl peck females?

    My 8 week old keets just fought yesterday and the other keet's head started to bleed a little bit. then the losing keet crouched down and the fight was over. Are my keets both male? I thought one was a female since one is a little smaller than the other.
  9. Mo_fawaazzz

    mallard x khaki Campbell cross?

    Of the various homestead ducks, I have two favorites: Mallards and khaki Campbells. Mallards have a nice flying ability and tend to stick around the area that they were raised in. They are super active and good at foraging. Khaki Campbells are super egg layers, which is what the mallard lacks...
  10. Mo_fawaazzz

    The Thorfinn Homesteads' photo dump

    life with chickens, turkeys, ducks, quail, and guineas in a neighborhood 😅 rainy day photos: Chicken government committee meeting (mr boss rooster is on the far left side of the circle) Mallards are super quiet for 99% of the day but when the females quack they quack loudly for a good 20...
  11. Mo_fawaazzz

    how to coop-train OEGB chickens

    Ive got four young OEG bantams. I plan to free range them but have them return back to the coop at dusk. Do old english gamefowl have the coop-returning instinct or are they too wild to return to their coop (like junglefowl).
  12. Mo_fawaazzz

    quail-raised guineafowl

    I had a coturnix quail raise my two guinea keets, and these are the quietest guineafowl I have ever seen. Whenever they are near the quail, they barely make a noise, and they barely get spooked by anything. Compared to guinea-raised keets (that get scared of leaves falling down trees), these...
  13. Mo_fawaazzz

    new bantams

    First time with my dream chickens, old english game bantams. Is their care any different from other baby chicken care? They kinda cute but really fragile. I got 3 dutches and 1 duckwing. Will they lay eggs by this summer or will they have to overwinter without laying? its May now and it...
  14. Mo_fawaazzz

    can bantams live in a mixed flock

    i free range my turkeys, guineas, mallarsd, and RIRs. I am thinking about adding in a few medium sized bantams to my flock. will they get demolished or bullied?
  15. Mo_fawaazzz

    best livestock guard dogs for small scale farms

    I have a fox issue and I need a dog to defend my turkeys/ducks/guineas. However, I have a really small acreage and I cannot fit a dog like a pyrenees. Even a cocker spaniel is capable of scaring away a fox, but they have a hunting instinct (not good for my birds). Is there such thing as a...
  16. Mo_fawaazzz

    wild rabbit in my basement///////// help

    There is a small eastern cottontail roaming my basement. How do I get it out of there?
  17. Mo_fawaazzz

    How to free-range guinea keets

    My 2 keets are almost 6 weeks old, and I plan to free range them with the rest of my birds. I have some rhode Island red pullets and a few turkeys and ducks that all free range and now return to their coop at evening. It took a while for the turkeys to get used to this, but now they are the...
  18. Mo_fawaazzz

    The Egg Song

    Why do chickens sing the egg song? Is there any breed that does not? I had a barred rock make my neighbors file a noise complaint. She used to cackle even when she did not lay an egg. The second I open the coop door, however, she is silent for the whole day. Do chickens sing the egg song to get...
  19. Mo_fawaazzz

    is it legal to take dumped birds at a pond?

    They are super easy to catch, all you need is some birdseed. How loud is a white pilgrim goose? Will two pilgrim geese be loud enough to startle neighbors? I heard that they were a quiet breed.
  20. Mo_fawaazzz

    Old English game fowl

    I am interested in getting English game fowl or junglefowl because o want a bird that is ok with roosting in trees overnight and a bird that is capable of flying away from foxes. Since they roost in trees, will they sing their egg song in the morning like coop birds? Are they super loud?
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