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  • Users: Joy1
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  1. Joy1

    New website and then go onto 'have your say' Thought you might like to look at a new British website.
  2. Joy1


    I will be hatching my first Auracanas in a few days and believe they are not the easiest of eggs to hatch. Anyone with any experiences please.
  3. Joy1

    Disabled chicken

    I have just aquired a chicken .She is about 16 weeks old and has only one good leg,the other leg and foot is at a right angle and she walks on her elbow!She hobbles about and is the sweetest little thing trying to jump up on my lap but never quite making it.I love her to death already. Please...
  4. Joy1

    Scotts Grey bantam eggs

    I have ordered some Scots Grey bantam eggs.Do you have any in the States?
  5. Joy1

    Badly splayed leg

    It isn't splayed leg but a genetic fault I think ,as I treated with band aid with no joy. He/She is now four weeks old and having difficulty moving although eating and drinking well. I do not want to cull it but might have to be done eventually . Anyone else kept the chicken with these special...
  6. Joy1

    Music Competition. Voting for my son!

    My son Jordan has entered a music competition and I was hoping if you would be good enough to vote for him, if you like his music, and can spare a few minutes of your time. Many of the other singers have music contracts so Jordan will need all the help he can get!! thankyou for your help...
  7. Joy1

    Ferret attack

    Killed my beautiful chickens. I managed to save just one.
  8. Joy1

    10 weeks old silkie

    I know they are difficult to sex but at this age should the pom pom be more pronounced or is it still a guessing game!
  9. Joy1

    $80 dollars for poland frizzles!

    6 poland frizzles are on e-bay at £40, plus postage and packing! Are these the prices across the pond?
  10. Joy1

    8 weeks old white silkie roo

    Free to good home, Manchester, England.
  11. Joy1

    8 weeks old Silkie

    She has turned into a He. Got up early and heard him crow!
  12. Joy1

    Polish (poland) eggs

    I have just acquired twelve polish frizzle eggs. Has anyone any experience with these birds, Thanks in advance.
  13. Joy1

    Day 16

    Candled today, everything looks ok but I cannot see any veins now is this normal? Thanks
  14. Joy1

    Ist chick arrives

    My first silkie chick arrived this morning in rainy Manchester ! on day 22. I am thrilled.Wanted to share with all of you who are like extended family. Joy
  15. Joy1

    When to add extra humidity around day 19

    I have been told not to add extra humidity until the first pip ,anyone do any different?
  16. Joy1


    Hi everyone again from rainy Manchester ,England. I have not been on the site for a long time,I am feeling much beter now and I have six white silkies in the incubator on day 11. I also now have two Pekin bantams that are 18 months old. I am so excited about the silkie eggs,I have candled them...
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