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  1. goats-n-oats

    How to heat multiple stacked brooder boxes?

    Is there a way to do this without the cost of powering several 1500W heat lamps, one in each box?
  2. goats-n-oats

    Questions about Embden Geese

    Hi BYC, poultry person here, so far chickens ducks and quail. Am experimenting with the meat market. Was impressed at how fast the Pekin ducks grew; less impressed with the food-profit ratio of Cornish crosses. Am thinking of geese as predator deterrents for the ducks on my 1/3 acre pond. Now...
  3. goats-n-oats

    Duckling not growing

    Hi BYC, this duckling is believed to be a Golden 300 from the assorted bin at Family Farm and Home. However she is about 3 weeks old now and is just as small as when I bought her. Her peers are 1-2 lbs and about 4x her size. Can anything be done to help her?
  4. goats-n-oats

    Economics, expansion of cottage industry

    Hi BYC, question about starting a meat bird side gig / cottage industry. I sell eggs in a couple of grocery stores and they said they would buy butchered poultry from me as well. This week, a horiculturalist visited my orchard and suggested setting up chicken tractors between the rows of trees...
  5. goats-n-oats

    How to bring ducks back in from fenced pasture?

    Hi BYC, there is a fenced pasture on my property that I currently use as a dog run. It's about 150*150' (1/2 acre) and is made of 4*4*60" goat fencing on tposts. Its located 500 ft from the barn where the ducks sleep at night. I'd like to take some or all of my 40+ ducks down there to clear the...
  6. goats-n-oats

    Scissorbeak hen asking for help

    Hi BYC peeps, this is a one year old Orpington hen with severe scissorbeak. She has grown normally. Lately I noticed she is always underfoot (standing near or under me) in the coop. Yesterday she appeared perched on the propane tank of my RV which is outside of her coop and range - her first...
  7. goats-n-oats

    Backyard flock genetics

    Hi, I have a mix of Cayuga, khaki, golden 300, and Pekin. If left to breed on their own, will the future generations revert back to mallard coloring and size?
  8. goats-n-oats

    Growth suddenly appeared on dog's dewclaw

    Hi, this suddenly appeared on my dog's dewclaw. It is very painful for him. Is there any way to treat this at home, without the expense of surgery?
  9. goats-n-oats

    Best turkey breed for commercial feather sales?

    Hi, which breeds (or colors of "turkey") have the nicest colored feathers for sales to craftspeople, fly fishers, etc?
  10. goats-n-oats

    Questions about housing for turkeys

    So I'm starting with turkeys this year. I have 10 mini white poults, 4 royal palms, and around 20 BB bronze and white. They are all under 1 month old now. Planning on butchering the majority of the BBs for Thanksgiving, leaving the rest for breeding for next year. I thinking of making 1-3...
  11. goats-n-oats

    Struggling wild Canada gosling

    Hi, this gosling is constantly crying and keeping a distance from the rest of the flock. Just now an adult goose chased her away and nipped at her back. Her back looks hunched. What can be done to help her? I don't have the resources to drive her to the nearest wildlife center. (In the photo...
  12. goats-n-oats

    Best waterer for turkey poults in brooder?

    Hi, can anyone recommend a product that is suitable for turkey poults? I've tried three different kinds, two hanging waterers for rabbits (one with a mini dish attached to a bottle, and one with a ball bearing), and one open dish resting on the floor of the brooder, and the poults keep spreading...
  13. goats-n-oats

    Geese biosecurity question

    Hi, are there any diseases that geese might bring from one farm to another, that might affect other geese or other poultry (chickens, ducks, quail)? I'm thinking of buying an adult gander from a private seller and wondering about any precautions.
  14. goats-n-oats

    Strategies for reducing barn time

    Hi, I'm finding that taking care of my livestock is taking over my day. It takes me 3-4 hours in the morning and another 2-3 hours in the evening. I know one solution is to get rid of some or all of the livestock. The chores include: refilling water bottles and buckets, distributing grain...
  15. goats-n-oats

    Scratch grains vs prepared feed

    Hi, my local feed mill offers nongmo: 22% game bird feed for $13; 16% chicken feed for $12 14% cattle feed $11 (just crushed oats, corn, soybeans and wheat, no vitamins). I see that the chickens and baby goats prefer the 16% and 22% feed. I am trying to cut down on costs. Would it be ok, for...
  16. goats-n-oats

    Cornish crosses already weak at 4-5 weeks old

    Hi, I bought 20 straight run cornishes from TSC about a month ago. 15 of the 20 are already lying on their sides most of the day. They look like their might weigh 2-3lbs each average. They do get up to eat but then lie down again. Is this normal? Am I feeding them too much?
  17. goats-n-oats

    Sooo many brooding hens

    Hi, two questions- maybe 15 of my hens in a flock of 130 have gone broody. The eggs that were laid in the last few weeks had paper thin eggshells. (I gave them vitamin d, they already have calcium, this seemed to fix half of the eggs.) Should these eggs that are being sat on all be tossed...
  18. goats-n-oats

    Any benefit to retaining smaller cornish cross from lot?

    Hi, there are 20 straight run Cornish crosses from TSC here. One of them turned out to be a silkie (not pictured here), and one looks like a heritage pullet. Her legs and feet are thick like the cornishes but her small body size and shape look more like a heritage bird. Do you think this is a...
  19. goats-n-oats

    Mutant blue legged chick from TSC bin

    Hi, this chick was mixed in with Cornish crosses from TSC. She has fluffy feathers, a tuft of feathers on her head, and deep blue shanks with white feathers. Any ideas?
  20. goats-n-oats

    First time geese - African or Pilgrim?

    I'm looking for a few (3-8) geese to help watch my ducks while they forage. After researching and reading reviews and seeing what's available (every hatchery is sold out, except McMurray has a few breeds) I've narrowed it down to African or Pilgrim. Although thr Pilgrim is considered quiet, the...
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