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  1. SuperMurshy

    Roo ??

  2. SuperMurshy

    Silkie with wry neck

    Hello! A friend of mine has a silkie with terrible wry neck. It presented itself early on as a chick, they have tried many things to help the poor chick. They've done the vitamins and nutrients route, which worked for a bit and then wry neck came back. They tried stronger meds and changed the...
  3. SuperMurshy

    Little roo or pullet?

    Approx 3 months old! Mix of my own chickens, first one to look like this. Roo or hen?
  4. SuperMurshy

    Would you agree all 3 roos?

    They are around 3 months old, Olive / Easter eggers!
  5. SuperMurshy

    Saddle feathers ?

    Are these saddle feathers ?
  6. SuperMurshy


    The first white one is 4 months old. Second guy is 2.5 months old around there. Are they Roosters?
  7. SuperMurshy

    Are these two roosters?

    Are these both Roosters? 4 months old
  8. SuperMurshy

    This is a roo right?

    He is 10 - 11 weeks old
  9. SuperMurshy

    Keep going back and forth on gender!

    Approx 9 - 10 weeks old Pullet or cockerel?
  10. SuperMurshy

    Is this a Black Copper Maran chick?

    Just a few days old!
  11. SuperMurshy

    Old hen egg bound?

    Is it possible for an old hen who hasn't laid in well over a year to become egg bound? TIA!
  12. SuperMurshy

    Silkie Americauna boy or girl??

    4 months old!
  13. SuperMurshy

    50% Silkie 50% Americauna mixes

    3 months old... Roo Roo? Pullet?
  14. SuperMurshy

    Silkie Americauna mixes funky bunch

    They're 11 weeks old :) I'm thinking the two grey ones are pullets What do you think?
  15. SuperMurshy

    Is this a purebred Crested Cream Legbar?

    Anybody who is familiar with the Crested Cream Legbar breed, is this a purebred pullet? She should be laying any day now, I know her eggs should be blue if she is pure.
  16. SuperMurshy

    Old hen past laying stage

    Will a senior hen who's not laying anymore still go in to the nesting box every day or two and act as if they think they're going to lay an egg?
  17. SuperMurshy

    Which roo should I keep?

    Alright so I was given some chicks this spring and am having a hard time which cockerel to keep!! There are two I'm deciding between- a pure Crested Cream Legbar and then the second one is a Copper Maran crossed with Crested Cream Legbar. I enjoy having many different colours of eggs, I already...
  18. SuperMurshy

    Silkie crossed Americaunas??

    My broody silkie hatched out some of the cutest chicks I've ever had last night! They are from my Silkie roo and Americuana hen, has anybody else done this cross and can I see pics??
  19. SuperMurshy

    Two pullets right?

    10 weeks old!
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