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  • Users: taylacline
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  1. T

    Egg Bound Death?

    A hen was unfortunately found dead this afternoon. She was perfectly fine yesterday, let us pick her up and everything. Then today while out in the run I found her dead. We looked her over, no injuries, no mites, her feathers fairly clean. But it looks like she was in the middle of a poop...
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    Bear Attack

    Unfortunately we had a bear brake into our coop last night. He got 2 of our 6 hens. He's already tried to come back tonight, but this time we were able to scare it away. I've always heard once a bear knows where your chickens are it'll keep coming back until it gets them all. What can we do to...
  3. T

    Egg laying slowing down after switching to nipple waterers

    We've had the same hens for about a year now, and we've always used the classic gravity waterer. It was always so dirty, so we have recently switched over our watering system to horizontal nipples fed by a rain barrel. The girls seem hesitant but they do use it. I've taken the time to show them...
  4. T

    Clear liquid poop

    My chicken is acting fine besides occasionally fighting over nesting boxing, screaming at each other while they are trying to lay an egg. But otherwise she's eating, drinking, active as usual. But today I noticed she took an extremely watery poo. Like it was just a large amount of clear liquid...
  5. T

    Broody hen, but vent pulsing?

    I have a broody hen I believe, seems to of happened these past few days. Shes got a bare chest, fluffs up her feathers when others are around, constantly clucks, and stays in the nesting box. But I also noticed what seems like her vent pulsing when she's clucking about. Is that normal or is she...
  6. T

    Fighting over nesting boxes

    We always hear a couple hens squawking at each other over the nesting boxes but today I found the two in the same nest at the same time! Lol they were both sitting and looked like they were trying to lay when I first noticed them but when I went into the coop the silver girl stood up. Notice the...
  7. T

    Only one egg?

    We got our 6 hens last summer, so they are around 10 months old. So far it seems like at least 3 of the 6 were mislabeled and I have different hens then I thought. Thats okay, this is our first flock, we are just happy to have them. We get a variety of egg colors, light tan, speckled, green, and...
  8. T

    Are these from the same bird?

    I have an olive egger and I suspect some kind of legbar hen. Our olive egger has been consistently laying. But once we got this pale blue egg, only one time. Now we've got this other egg that looks slightly like the olive eggers but its kinda blue. So my question is are these two eggs from the...
  9. T

    Speckles part of bloom?

    I only have 6 hens and 3 of them lay speckled eggs. They are all different breeds but when I wash the eggs the speckles just wipe right off. Is that normal? I just assumed the speckles were apart of the egg shell not the bloom. Or am I washing eggs too roughly? I use a soft rag, warm water, and...
  10. T

    Mislabeled Sapphire Gem?

    We got this bird about 10 months ago from RK and she was sold as a Sapphire Gem but today I believe we got a blue egg from her. I'm not 100% but we only have 6 hens and I think I can tell who is laying what. I already had one bird that was mislabeled that this group helped me correctly identify...
  11. T

    Muddy Run - pine pellets

    During the summer and spring I was able to put some dye-free mulch in our chicken run but now that its winter the run has been so muddy with all the rain and snow. I've heard of people putting pine pellets, that absorb some of the moisture, into their runs and seeing success with that. But has...
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    One of our girls has gotten some mild frostbite on the tips of her comb in this crazy weather. They are currently just white, but what can we do to help her? Should we just wait it out since its now gradually getting warmer? She's the only one with a long comb.
  13. T

    Feeding and water in extreme cold

    So I've been keeping the feeder and water out in the run to minimize mess and keep moisture out of the coop. We also usually don't use any type of supplemental heating in the coop. The girls don't seem to mind it being cold that much, usually they are out in the run even with snow on the ground...
  14. T

    Chicken throwing up??

    We have one chicken that threw up a white/clear very foamy mucus like substance. She looks like shes gagging a bit, and moving her head and neck around too. She's not eating and moving fairly slow. Still moves away from me but not like runs away like normal.
  15. T

    Constant Clucking

    We have 6 hens all about 6 months old. Only 2 have started laying eggs, one started around 4 months and the other this week. Since the new hen has started laying the more mature hen will go in and the coop and act like shes going to lay but then she'll cluck and bock for a good 30 mins just...
  16. T

    Unwell chicken

    Our usually very curious energetic girl is acting very differently. She's much slower than normal but still moving around a little. Sitting a lot, her tail is pointed down. She has still been eating some but she didn't run up for treats like the normal. They are all about 6 months old and shes...
  17. T

    Prairie bluebell

    I got this girl from RK 6 months ago and she was labeled a Prairie Bluebell. She just came from the nest box and her egg is tan/brown. I was under the impression it would be blue. So is this a different breed of bird? Its the red one with the largest comb
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    Peeling hardboiled eggs

    I always heard that older eggs were easier to peel than fresh ones and so we tested it out with some of our first eggs. Our poor hardboiled eggs looked so terrible. Is there a trick for hardboiling fresh eggs? I always use an ice bath when peeling and that didn't help at all. Or do I just need...
  19. T

    Feeding eggshells protocols

    When giving back eggshells is it necessary to bake and crush the shells into very small pieces like I've been seeing? Or can I just rinse them off and break them up a bit? Also if I do have to bake them, how long can I save them before baking them? To bake a big enough batch instead of several...
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    First egg and layer feed

    We just got our first egg today, I'm not sure which hen laid though. I don't know how to tell. But the egg has spots almost looks like paint spots on it. What is it? Also she's the first of the 6 to start laying and they are all different breeds, when should we switch to layer feed? After they...
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