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  • Users: uisceros
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  1. uisceros

    Please help - my rooster is fading away

    Hi all, I have 1.5 year old Serama rooster who is not doing well. It started back in early May when I noticed he had green diarrhea. Over the past month his crow has gotten weaker and weaker, his poop more and more liquidy, and now he’s basically not eating. I’ve taken him to the vet and he’s...
  2. uisceros

    Sour Crop antifungal dosage for Serama

    Hi all, I have a 4 month old Serama hen that started acting off last night. I didn't realize something was actually wrong until this afternoon though. She has some pretty classic sour crop signs (large squishy crop, yellow liquid discharge from mouth - it doesn't smell though - I hope that's...
  3. uisceros

    Serama Roo with watery green diarrhea

    Hi all, I have a one year old Serama rooster with some issues. I’m treating him for some sores on his toes (neosporin and daily bandage changes), but he’s also straining to poop and when he does only very smelly greenish liquid comes out: I see him eat (he’s on multi flock), and his crop...
  4. uisceros

    Scaly Leg mites? Plus green poop!

    Hi all, I have a year old Serama rooster that I THINK might have scaly leg mites. He spent time outside before he came to me, but he’s been indoors for the past 8 months (quarantine period followed by winter time). He’s on wood shavings, and eats Kalmbach grower feed or henhouse reserve...
  5. uisceros

    Chicken with bald head

    Hi all, This is not really an illness, or at least I don’t think it is! I have a 1.5 year old Serama who is currently bald. I’m about 95% sure it’s due to my rooster. I have one serama rooster with six hens, but this poor girl is definitely his favorite. I think he just pulled all her head...
  6. uisceros

    Serama Bachelor Flock

    Hi all, I recently hatched out six serama chicks (offspring of one of my beloved roosters who passed away) and while obviously I was expecting cockerels, I ended up with four of them! I love roosters, and plan on keeping them all, but since this is my first experience with a bachelor flock, I...
  7. uisceros

    Rooster stopped crowing

    Hi all, I have a beloved Serama rooster named Ozzy who has always been healthy and loves to crow. The last two days he’s stopped though, and I’m worried. My last rooster who stopped crowing ended up having Marek’s, and passed. I really don’t want that to happen to Ozzy. Two things that might...
  8. uisceros

    Chick with deformed wing

    Hi all, My Seramas hatched a baby yesterday that has a weird issue. Its right wing is super small compared to the left, and it seems to be causing some balance issues. Its neck tilts to the right side as well. Its legs are unaffected. Otherwise the chick is active, bright, and able to...
  9. uisceros

    Broody hen with a bruise?

    Hi all, I have a very young hen that just started laying and decided it was the perfect time to be broody. She’s about 6 months old, and is a Buff Orpington. She’s been broody for a week or two know. I usually just let them do their thing when broody, making sure to feel their crops for food...
  10. uisceros

    Chickens lost in mail - happy update!

    My apologies if this isn’t the best place to put this, but I’m so upset over this. I ordered two adult Serama birds from a breeder in Florida. She shipped them to me on the 5th with 1-day priority. It is now the 9th and I still don’t have them. They came all the way up to Boston (I’m in MA)...
  11. uisceros

    Serama pullet or cockerel

    Hi all, I come to you once more with a Serama sexing conundrum. Beans hatched on May 28th (thus is almost 11 weeks old), and while I’m pretty sure it’s a cockerel, I also have only ever hatched pullets so I’m not that sure! Beans developed a very red comb and wattles very early (compared to my...
  12. uisceros

    Serama Coop - supplies and considerations?

    Hi all! I recently had a 60 sq ft run/coop combo built for my Seramas. I’m looking to furnish it for my birds, and wondered if any seasoned Serama owners had favorite small-sized feeders/waterers/accessories that they’d be willing to share? I’ve had my birds for about a year, but half of...
  13. uisceros

    What breed is my cockerel?

    Hi all! I recently ordered a started cockerel from My Pet Chicken after losing two male day-old chicks in a row. They don't let you choose breeds, but I requested a bantam. However when he came yesterday I was immediately sure that he was a standard size. Slight bummer, but not the end of the...
  14. uisceros

    Lethargic Hen, not egg bound

    Hi all, I have a 1 year old easter egger (Faverolle / Ameraucana) that all of a sudden is acting odd. She seems lethargic, moderately weak, and doesn't want to eat much. She is also very easy to catch, and while not hunching does seem uncomfortable. I did witness her defecate a little so I...
  15. uisceros

    Is my Serama a cockerel??

    Hi all, My traditional Serama hen hatched out two little chicks this past January - they are now four months old. For a long long time I thought both of them were pullets, however one of them recently started crowing and their comb is larger and redder than it’s sibling. Now, I know...
  16. uisceros

    Hatchery chicks keep dying

    Hi all, I recently got a shipment of baby chicks from Meyer Hatchery. I ordered 9, and while they all arrived alive, I keep losing them one by one. The first night two died, the second night another two died, the third night I lost another, and today was another one. Out of nine, I’m down to...
  17. uisceros

    Hen with bloody vent - possibly prolapse?

    Hi all, I come back to you today with a weird situation I'm hoping someone might be able to help me with. I have a Brahma Bantam (~1 year old) who has always had issues laying eggs. About 80% of the time they're bloody. She passes them, and they are never abnormally large or soft shelled, so...
  18. uisceros

    Mysterious chicken deaths - please help

    Hi all! I’ve come here several times before for the same problem, but I have a bit more of a story now. About two months ago I noticed two chickens with diarrhea. They were acting relatively normally, so I put them in a hospital coop, and watched them. About a month later one randomly died...
  19. uisceros

    Very sick hen - purple comb, yellow poop, extremely lethargic

    Hi all, I am currently having a bad month with my flock. The major issue right now is one of my hens is extremely ill. She is ~10 months old, a black laced Wyandotte. She has never laid. About a month ago I noticed she had yellow diarrhea. I gave her aquamox for maybe two weeks, and she...
  20. uisceros

    Multiple hens with diarrhea

    Hi all, I currently have three hens with diarrhea, and I’m just trying to figure out if what I’m doing is helping or not. Originally I only had one with mustard yellow liquid poop. I gave her aquamox 250mg daily, and added corrid to her water. Then a second one got diarrhea. Not yellow...
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