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  1. MinervaTheHen

    Is it humane to trim a beak, and if so, how would I go about it?

    Hello all. I recently bought four straight run assorted bantam chicks, who are about a month old now. One of them (who I am affectionately calling Lucifer), started pecking the smallest of the four. I thought that if I gave them some time they would work it out, but eventually Luci drew blood...
  2. MinervaTheHen

    Emergency Raven Care?

    Hi everyone. A few hours ago, a family member found a raven lying in a driveway. It was apathetic and didn’t seem to be able to lift its head. I ended up with it for the night. He can fly, although not for a long distance. Both legs are moving but one seems to be having muscle spasms. He...
  3. MinervaTheHen

    Any tips on keeping livestock while dealing with health issues?

    Hello everybody. I’m not sure if this is the right spot to ask this, but it seemed like the most appropriate place. Starting a few years ago, I began to have some mystery health concerns. Due to the pandemic and all following insanity, I sort of ignored my symptoms. However, staring about nine...
  4. MinervaTheHen

    How do I get my new cat to gain weight?

    So, I’m on a role today! I keep on commenting and asking for help on pretty much everything EXCEPT chickens!!! I guess all my other pets got jealous. Anyway, about a week ago I got a 2yr old neutered male cat from a local humane society. He’s the sweetest thing, but apparently someone dumped him...
  5. MinervaTheHen

    Should I get a second opinion on my horse’s sensitivity?

    Hello everyone! I wasn’t quite sure how to phrase the title, so if it’s confusing forgive me. So, a little over a year ago I bought a crossbred gelding at a large scale sale barn in Connecticut. No known history, other than suspected neglect at one point in his life. He is mid-late teens. When I...
  6. MinervaTheHen

    How do I stay motivated and keep up with the simple stuff?

    Hey, I’m not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I could do with some advice. I love my flock and I want the best for them, but recently I’ve been feeling a little burned out and I’m worried that my chickens might suffer because of that. I’ve had anxiety my whole life...
  7. MinervaTheHen

    Hi! New member here

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I grew up around chickens. I always had a pet chicken in my shoulder growing up, and I think I spent most of the year waiting impatiently for spring so we could get more chicks. I loved chickens for a long time, but I only...
  8. MinervaTheHen

    Underweight lethargic hen

    Hello, I am new to this so please feel free to correct me if I don’t post this right. About three weeks ago I got back from vacation and noticed one of my hens was acting strangely. She is normally very healthy and active, but she was spending most of the day hunched over near the coop...
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