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  • Users: Svyetii
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Flock Integration Question

    Hey all! So Ive successfully integrated four poulets into my flock of four hens. They are now roosting together and occupying the same enclosed coop without issue. They have been in the same space with partitions and escape areas for the last three weeks. The poulets are now 9 weeks old. The...
  2. S

    Mice in the coop

    Aside from a cat, what are your most effective chicken and dog safe mice extermination/eviction tactics/traps?
  3. S

    Golden Roos?

    Okay guys, my daughter’s preschool teacher tried (and failed) to hatch eggs for her class and in a panic bought four chicks from Tractor Supply… with no plan for caring for them afterwards. Being the softie that I am, I volunteered to take them. According to her, she purchased two Golden sexlink...
  4. S

    Sand in run

    For those of you that use sand in your run, how often do you sift it clean, or do you use some other method to clean it? Also, do you replace the sand periodically? Thanks! Sarah
  5. S

    Fully Cooped Up?

    Hey all, How many of you on here keep your chickens fully cooped up in the run? If you do: How many use sand for the run? How often do you clean it? What do you do to keep your chickens active and entertained? Do you supplement with live bugs/greens, etc.? Any issues? I've been free...
  6. S

    Early Flock integration - larger numbers short term

    Hey all! Looking for some perspective. I currently have four hens. Sadly we lost two this year months apart for unknown causes. I had been letting them free range most of the day, but because we also lost two others to a bobcat (and the constant poop and destruction of the yard is wearing on...
  7. S

    Sudden Death

    Hey everyone, Well, I lost my first chicken due to unknown causes. She was a nine month old Cream Legbar. She was the runt of the chicks and has always been a bit more of a loaner. She typically hangs back from the group and surveys the scene before partaking in treats or when leaving the run...
  8. S

    Help with the deep liter method

    Okay everyone, I’m just over one year into my chicken keeping adventure and still trying to figure things out. I chose the deep liter method for my coop. In part, because I’m lazy and travel a lot, and also because I’d like well composted manure for the garden. After reading several articles on...
  9. S

    My Chicken Stopped Laying

    Hey all! I have a Cream Legbar chicken that is 7.5 months old and lays beautiful blue eggs. She usually lays an egg every other day or every two days. It’s now been about 6-8 days since she last laid. She is my most skittish of the flock, so not the easiest to get, but she generally seems to be...
  10. S

    New layer/egg eater

    Hey all, Second question of the week: I just noticed three eggshells on the bedding in our coop. Our Maran just started laying about a week ago, and while most of her egg shells are strong, there were two that were thin shelled and cracked. I suspect someone got a taste of the cracked egg and...
  11. S

    New Layer, small eggs?

    Hey all! So I have four girls who are at or close to point of lay, a black Maran sex link, a blue Plymouth Rock, a cream legbar and an Easter Egger. My black Maran and blue Plymouth both seem very much at point of lay, but the legbar also appears close. About a week ago we started getting new...
  12. S

    Big Girls and Teens…

    Okay, I’m entering another new chapter of chicken raising and would love a sanity check: is it always a bad idea to introduce chicks to hens before they’re the same size, or can they sometimes get along fine? I have four chicks that are six weeks old. They’ve been in a brooder in my garage...
  13. S

    Can you eat a cracked egg that’s just been laid?

    Hey all! I’m a new owner of newly laying hens. Our Easter Egger just laid her first egg this morning. Yay!! Unfortunately I found it on the ground and slightly cracked; still warm. Is it okay to eat? Or should I just pitch it? Here’s a pic of the egg: Thanks!
  14. S

    We have our first eggs! But not on the box…

    After much anticipation, we have our first eggs! I watched our Buff Orpington walk straight to the back of the garden when I let her out this morning and found that she had made a nest on a partially used hay bale; and low and behold, she laid what I found to be her third egg! In truth, it’s...
  15. S

    Chickens in the Garden

    Hey everyone! So, I bought my first chicks in September and they typically free range while I’m home. We have a fenced in garden separated from where the chickens are, but they recently found a gap and managed to sneak in when I wasn’t outside. Here are my questions: I’m not sure how many...
  16. S

    Should we butcher our rooster?

    Hi everyone! We just found out we have a rooster and we can’t keep him since we live in the city. He is a beautiful 13 week old cuckoo Maran. We are brand new to chickens in general, and are not huge meat eaters, but we do enjoy chicken from time to time. Given the breed, should we try to...
  17. S

    Flock Introductions - How few is too few?

    Hi everyone! I purchased my first flock of five poulets in September and it looks like I have a rooster. While he’s beautiful and I’d love to keep him, roosters are not allowed in the city, so we’ll have to find a new home for him (or maybe process him?? 😬). With that in mind, I’d like to add...
  18. S

    Roo or two?

    Hi all! I am so excited to have found this group. I’m new to chickens and purchased five poulets in the middle of September. We have a buff Orpington, Lavender Orpington, Easter Egger, Olive Eggar and a Cuckoo Maran. They are now 11 and 12 weeks old and today my husband and I heard what seemed...
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