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  1. FeatherQueen3

    Can I dry hatch Muscovy eggs?

    Considering ordering some Muscovy eggs. I’ll be out of town from days 18-23ish and I’m wondering if I can dry hatch them (but increase humidity at lockdown) so I don’t have to worry about the humidity while I’m gone. The humidity would naturally be around 25% in my incubator. Thanks.
  2. FeatherQueen3

    What do I have going on here? (Breed question)

    I have a blue slate tom that I am crossing over my Narragansett hen. Porters turkey calculator says this should be producing barred slate and barred black poults but I am getting these light brown/yellowy looking poults. I don’t know what breed to label it. Any ideas? Posting pics of poult...
  3. FeatherQueen3

    Would you use this FBCM roo for breeding

    He has the slate feet as he should, but he has a lot of yellowish feathers that I'm not sure he should. He came from Murray McMurray. I planned to breed him to FBCM hen, splash marans hens for blue copper marans, and to whiting true blue and cream Legbar hens for olive eggers.
  4. FeatherQueen3

    (Pics) is this the start of fowl pox? Or something else?

    My Narragansett hen has a few of these weird yellowish bumps on her head along with some yellow residue. Is this the start of fowl pox? Or something else? Is there anything I should be doing for her? She is with another hen and a Tom who do not currently have these bumps.
  5. FeatherQueen3

    Can I/should I hatch turkeys very first egg?

    I’ve googled and can’t seem to find an answer. Is it wise to incubate a turkeys very first egg? I’m waiting on my Narragansett to lay a few more, but wondering if this one can be included in the hatch. It seems a bit small to me but not sure as this is my first experience with heritage breeds.
  6. FeatherQueen3

    17 weeks

    Still no displaying or strutting. The Bourbon is losing feathers at base of neck though. Toms or hens?
  7. FeatherQueen3

    UGH Coccidiosis

    Hi guys. I have a mixed age flock, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 19 weeks. My 6 week olds moved outside about a week ago and now some of them have the bloody stool, lethargic, puffed up, standing with eyes closed stuff going on. They have been on medicated feed their whole life so it sucks this is...
  8. FeatherQueen3

    Your experience with these roosters and their temperament?

    Of course there are outliers in every breed, but I'm curious as to others' experience with the temperament of these roosters: (towards hens, humans, and other Roos) Black Copper Marans Buff Orpington Welsummer Bielefelder Exchequer Leghorn Polish Black Langshan ISA brown
  9. FeatherQueen3

    Golden Laced Polish X White Crested Black Polish?

    Golden Laced Polish Roo over White Crested Black Hen... I'm assuming this will throw all black chicks? Does anyone know?
  10. FeatherQueen3

    8 week old Golden Laced Polish

    8 week old Golden Laced Polish from Meyer hatchery. Pullet or Cockerel?
  11. FeatherQueen3

    24 hours after hobbling

    And this litte baby hasn’t improved. She is still kind of flopping about with the hobble. How long does it take to see improvement?
  12. FeatherQueen3

    Chickens on property with Marek's vaccine?

    My chickens and turkeys are housed separately but they all occasionally free range in the yard together. I've read horror stories about Marek's devastating flocks so all of my young chickens are vaccinated. I'm reading this vaccine is a live "turkey strain" of Marek's. Is it possible for my...
  13. FeatherQueen3

    11 week olds…can you tell yet?

    Can you tell the gender of my 11 week old blue slate, black, Narragansett, and Bourbon Reds (2 of them) pictures to follow in comments.
  14. FeatherQueen3

    In your opinion…best sustainable meat breed

    I would like to get a sustainable line of meat birds going. I plan to incubate eggs to keep the line going. In your opinion, what is the best breed for this, and why?
  15. FeatherQueen3

    Wyandottes 5.5 weeks

    There’s two silver laced and two black laced red. Do Wyandottes get red early or are these cockerels? They’re supposed to all be pullets. Selling them as pullets but don’t want to deceive anyone. Thanks
  16. FeatherQueen3

    White Cochin 5.5 weeks

    If this is another Roo (have an exchequer leghorn roo and a couple of Wyandottes I am watching) then Meyer really missed the boat on my “pullet” orders. 🤦‍♀️ This Cochin feathered out very quickly, the pinkish red has showed up this week. Cockerel?
  17. FeatherQueen3

    Do I only have one gender?

    Hi! These sweeties are right at 9 weeks old. Nobody is strutting, and everyone still has the skinny feather mowhawk on the head. Occasionally they will spread their tails out, but it mainly seems to be when something spooks them which I know hens will do. Is it likely these are all hens, or do...
  18. FeatherQueen3

    Breeding ISA brown rooster to...?

    So, I have an accidental ISA brown roo. I also have an accidental exchequer leghorn (or mottled ancona idk) roo. I'm thinking I'm going to keep the ISA brown. I don't have a recent pic of him on hand but he is solid white with just a few brown specks at the ends of his wings. Are there any cool...
  19. FeatherQueen3

    Is this a cockerel?

    He or she is 3 weeks old. I only have the one and none other of this breed to compare to. Bonus points if you can tell if it’s a Mottled Ancona or Exchequer Leghorn.
  20. FeatherQueen3

    Anybody good with chipmunk chicks? 2 weeks old

    I know I have some Speckled Sussex and Welsummer in this group of 6 just not sure how many and not sure what the rest are. Everyone has clean legs, 4 toes, single combs, and NO puffy cheeks. They are all two week old pullets from Meyer.
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