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  1. T

    Hurt Foot Call Duck

    I went to put the flock to bed last night and noticed my drake, Tuna, limping. His foot was a bit bloody and he had two small holes in the webbing. Should I clean it off and wrap it, or just let it be. Normally, I would just let it heal on its own, but it’s feeling warm to the touch and is...
  2. T

    Duck drama!

    So, I have two of my female call ducks that I let free range during the day with their mates (these are my first generation calls, who have a very predictable routine). Lately, one of the drakes comes in way earlier with the other mated pair and I have a hard time getting Cookie (F) out of the...
  3. T

    Weird shell change

    My call duck’s (whom I’m pretty sure is a quitter as it was due last Thursday) egg shell is changing colors. I have never had this happen before. I took it out because I fear exploding eggs- that was a horrific experience
  4. T

    Just hatched. Not looking great.

    Well, we have a very proficient little duckling. Unfortunately, she/he did a little too good and popped her head out before the yolk fully absorbed- I didn’t know this was even a thing! I took some advice I saw on other posts and put the duckling in a small cup with a cloth. Browsing through...
  5. T

    Dummy Egg Switch

    Just wondering if anyone has switched out dummy eggs for ducklings and if they have any advice. My girls are great layers, but not great in terms of hatching out. They are call ducks, which are hard to hatch as it is- my girl got 0 from her last clutch of 10 and was still sitting on them at day...
  6. T

    Mating Season Aggression

    Hi, new here! I need some help as I haven’t encountered this before. Two of my call duck drakes (born last April), who are the most snuggly, wonderful, choice I’ve ever made in terms of pets, have become very aggressive towards me this mating season. If I walk into the run to bring feed...
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