Looking for a new way to put food on the table. Though decades in the making, the last 5 years since adding chickens to the farm, and joining BYC,the efforts to produce our food has escaladed multifold.
I'l put in info here and links as recourses and see where I am in a year from now.
I am stumped. I see green tomato seeds offered and get stuck thinking these are immature tomatos so WHY WHY WHY would I want to grow these??
Would love to hear from folks that grow or have grown the green varieties of tomatos. WHen to pick them, how to use htem, how to make salsas, or what...
While reading this I realized what knowledge I have about setting "sets" to grow onions is only the tip of the ice burg when I read this description from SandHIll: bublets? top setting?? . . . dang, I"m lost.
2014 Onion (Perennial)
Egyptian Winter: A very nice treat in the early Spring...
FIts standard sized socket.
heat producing
as small as standard light bulb.
I can find the LARGE red heat producing bulbs but I cannot find tiny ones. At this time of year the big are TOOO much, but when I was at the feed store and looked at the brooder, I realized smaller, much...
and other berry bushes!!
It occurred to me today that blueberries must be easy to propagate by seed, at least the the wild varieties, as I see tons of baby seedling at my mothers summer camp and I realized I dont need to buy more blue berries but I need a method of propagating new ones!!! Then...
My long awaited eggs arrived today!!!! THis thread is a chronicle of my journey.
Eggs arrived today. 29 well packed in foam and double boxed, plenty of popcorn between box 1 and 2. Several extras: chocolate and a rock.Eggs are carefully unopacked, still concerned that there was much...
Sweetgrass turkey eggs for sale from my Porter trio.
A lovely calico bird that is docile and a pleasure to look at.
6 eggs with priority shipping is $35 Double boxed and bubble wrapped.
Payment via Paypal please.
Please send a PM.
BLueBoy is a blue Ameraucana from GreenFire Farm and covers a number of hens and pullets that are reds, browns, dom white, and his 5 daughters which are black and blue. This is a project of working toward a BBS pen and developing a more intense blue color in the eggs. THis is a project so egg...
A New Begining
My introduction to Buckeyes was a few years ago when looking for the right breed. Even that was an evolution, triggered by Robert Blos'ls many posts, from hatchery to heritage. THe old BUckeye thread triggered great respect for this red bird that was a dual purpose breed...
This aticle is the best I have ever read explaining the omega 3 v omega 6 in our diet and the impart our food animals have on our health.
I have been eyeing the rabbit pellets which are moslty alfalfa and thinking. hmm, would the chickens love this?
I have a number of tomatos seeds to pick from, the seeds are getting older about 2 years, maybe 3 from a reputable suppier that specializes in Tomatos.
1. Looking at the Early Girls VFF Improved Hybrid, it is a 52 day indeterminant. a slicing tomato 4-6 oz. Suggestions on how to grow an...
For some inexplicable reason I am drawn to the Midget White TUrkey. Perhaps it it that they originated in Massachusetts, or it is that they are a mini BBW. Ultimately I keep confusing them with the Beltsville White. Each of the hatcheries I looked at used a photo that I was certain was a...
I looked at the diagrams for building a WOods-style coop.
Q Are the spaced between the rafter left open for air movement? I'm rereading everything, hoping for one sentence that addresses this. I know the old building left them open for air flow, but not sure on the Woods design. WOuldn't...
A year ago I received a good number of poults from Porters. Murphys' law thought it would be funny to make sure that a newbie investigting the possiblity of breeding auburns would receive a shipment of mostly toms. Like 13!!. BY the time they reached breeding age, only toms remained. A very...
Only a few lines of the BST listings are showing once a specific listing is selected. I noticed first my listing was truncated, and edit function revealed the informatin in its entirety. Then I tested another listing and I can only read a few lines.
Was looking fine a few hours ago.
Heritage bird meat had yet to be tested for nutritional quality until Frank partnered last year with Kansas State University to conduct a nutritional...
Add some fun to your egg basket!! The pullets from this breeding will lay a light or medium olive green egg. Very pretty eggs.
Breeding is Blue AMeracauna x Barred Hens of various breeding. Chicks could have muffs or leg feathering.
first 6 eggs are $15 plus $16 shipping; a dozen is...
11 Olive Sexlink Eggs Will add Tuesday's eggs.
This is my own custom blend of a Blue Ameracuana rooster over several barred hens, including one that lays a dark egg and has feathered legs. The resulting pullets will lay an olive egg, varying from light to med to dark.
I will ship brown...
Does anyone know of a source of organic alfalfa seeds in small quantity--25 pounds or so? I"m concerned the foraging chickens will happen upon the see and parttake of them so I thought organic might be best.