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  1. a123andpoof

    Bloody poop in chicks

    I picked up 4 chicks from a feed store yesterday the oldest he said were around 4 weeks, and the other 2 are around 2 to 3 weeks. One of the cochins was a little lethargic and is around the 2 to 3 week mark. And one of them had bloody poop. Could this be cocci? The chicks are all eating and...
  2. a123andpoof

    Whats wrong? rooster -young -getting trampled

    Okay so I have a young rooster. Hatched july or august I believe and the other day he was totally lifeless, we brought him inside gave him some kiefer water (sugar water not sure how to explain but supposed to be good for you, and perks chicks up really well, and chickens love it as a treat) and...
  3. a123andpoof

    Why are my EE's not laying????? Why are none of my chickens laying?

    Okay so these 2 are like 30 give or take a few weeks and their combs are a light pink. Both are skittish around other birds, and people though the one likes to fly onto my head or arms. Anyways they are fed and have fresh water daily, but we are not getting any eggs! We are beginning to wonder...
  4. a123andpoof

    Egg without shell yesterday lethargic today

    So yesterday my BR hen layed an egg with no shell, her poop is kind of runny and a yellowish/greenish abnormal color. She just kind of sits there and just plain isnt looking all that hot. she eats and drinks, but lack of energy is bothering me.
  5. a123andpoof

    Hen layed egg with no shell

    I was watching my BR hen and she looked like she was trying to lay well she layed a egg with a broken membrane and yoke. The yoke fell and was instantly devoured the membrane just kind of stuck to her should i be worried? First time I have seen this.
  6. a123andpoof

    Trying to build a coop need some help

    Okay so I am in the planning stage of this and will see what happens. I am hoping to get a couple show Cochins. They will be seperate from my other coop since I would like to keep feathers looking nice and such. Anyways I am thinking the coop will be made of pallets since I think I can get some...
  7. a123andpoof

    Wanting to show Cochins

    I am not sure if this is the right place, but I hope so. If not mods please move. I was at the MN state fair today and was of course looking at the chickens. I have been wanting to show for a while now, but upon hearing about the open class and seeing the beautiful cochins I decided I want to...
  8. a123andpoof

    Mommy and her babies

    My one hen speckles has been trying to convince us for months she wants to be a mommy. First time our problem was we already had 2 batches and no room to put her while she sat. Then we moved. She stopped sitting and then went right back to it. Well she wasnt sitting well so we had eggs in the...
  9. a123andpoof

    I think my chicks have worms. What to do?

    My chicks are around a week and a half. 1 is from my own hatch and the other 2 from another person. All are roughly the same age. I went to clean their brooder and found something that looks like worms. I have taken them outside a few times on warm days. I figure my one mamma hen did it only 2...
  10. a123andpoof

    What kind of predator?

    So last night I let the hens out to freerange. Well then my mom invited me to go out with her and since the foxes have been eliminated I decided to go. Well I didn't get back till like 11pm. And then I forgot to go close the door. Well at 12am I jumped out of bed and went down their. I counted...
  11. a123andpoof

    Question about broody

    I have 2 broodys one is with her brother the other in with the flock. I am thinking I need to move the one with the flock cause she is stealing all the eggs. But we don't really have a seperate area. Would putting her in a dog crate in the coop keeping her with the flock work or would she just...
  12. a123andpoof

    White patches on head...

    So just hatched some chicks the father is a barred rock and the momma is black sex link. All three babies have white spots on their heads. I know in the sex links a white spot means roo, but it can go either way with the barred rock. Do you think they could be hens or do i probably have all...
  13. a123andpoof

    Looking into getting Great Pyrenees for guarding chickens

    So we are moving to 15 acres soon and there is no cover for the chickens, and I will be in school, but would like my flock to be able to freerange alot without the worry of predators. So after hearing about the Pyrenees we thought one might be a good edition to our household. I am willing to do...
  14. a123andpoof

    My chicks

    Hello, I am going to use this thread to update on my babies. I have 21 older chickens which include, 1 speckled sussex, 1 barred rock hen, 4 reds, and 11 black sex links, 2 silkies i roo and 1 hen, and 2 barred rock roosters. For the oldest babies I got 2 buff orpingtons, 2 australorps and 1...
  15. a123andpoof

    Chick who may not be pooping.

    I was doing a photo shoot with my new babies, and the oldest who is three days tried to poo and couldn't. I read putting molasses in the water can help is that true? Any other ideas?
  16. a123andpoof

    Eggs stuck to newly hatched chick

    We got 3 new babies, and 1 needed to be removed this morning. Another one has egg stuck all over them, and are tripping over eggs. Can we again open it less than an hour after removing the first cause of bullying. Their is another one beginning to hatch. I know you want to open it as little as...
  17. a123andpoof

    How long till the egg hatches? With some problems with incubator.

    I put in 7 eggs due to hatch today and only 1 has pipping. I heard it first last night around 12 pm/am ish and I have heard it a little this morning. My main concern is I checked the temp and it was low 90's high 80s. The egg is a silkie egg. I followed the instructions of the incubator its a...
  18. a123andpoof

    yellow, foamy, slightly runny poo

    I have some chicks a few weeks old, I was holding one and she pooed and it was greenish/yellow color, slightly foamy and runny with a hint of white. They both have also had a slight sneeze, and I was thinking it could have just been a dusty brooder, but now not to sure. They seem healthy eating...
  19. a123andpoof

    Dumb fox!

    It has been a few weeks since I have had any problems, but last night a fox came and took one of my girls. While I don't mean to sound heartless it was one of my sex links and I don't really know which one got taken. I was just glad it wasn't one of my two favorites. But anyways this makes 5...
  20. a123andpoof

    Sneezing chicks

    I just picked up 2 chicks from a feed store yesterday. They are acting completely normal exept some sneezing. Neither of them were doing in on the ride home, me and my sister were holding them. I wrapped them in a blanket that had a stronger smell from being stored, so am thinking that may have...
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