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  • Users: Lacey1988
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  1. Lacey1988

    Chihuahua Hurt Help!

    Two(free ranged) roosters jumped on my three pound chihuahua and immediately after it occurred she was dragging her left hind leg. From what we can see/feel the joint's not out of place and nothing's broken, but her lower back is extremely sore. I'm bringing her to the vet tomorrow morning, but...
  2. Lacey1988

    Needing Answers

    In all my years of raising chickens I've never seen anything like this. It looks like the crop was hanging out. But how and/or why did this happen. Any thoughts? Warning: Graphic! . . . . I've already put him down. He was beginning to gurgle and choke on his own blood. I just want some...
  3. Lacey1988

    Wild Duckling Found

    My cousin saved this wild duckling earlier from her dog. She doesn't know where it came from and couldn't see a mama duck anywhere at the pond behind her house. So she's bringing it to me this afternoon. Any idea of the breed?
  4. Lacey1988


    I was just was given a Perkin duckling by somebody who bought it but really didn't want it and I've only raised chickens so any advice would be appreciated.
  5. Lacey1988

    New Breeding Pair

    Just received my first pair of OEGBs and I love them. I've never owned the breed before but I have hatched eggs for people so I can't wait 'till spring to hatch my own.
  6. Lacey1988


    Show off your young roosters here. Here's my three boys who are going to make me some fine bitties one day.
  7. Lacey1988

    Showing Off

    Just thought I would show off some babies. The Blues brothers the solid one is a Lavender Orpington the splash is a Lavender Orpington Wyandotte cross I think. Both are beautiful and are going to make me some pretty babies one day. My girls And here are my polkies(polish/silkie...
  8. Lacey1988

    Just Confirming

    I'm pretty dang sure these two are cockerels but I want to be absolutely sure.
  9. Lacey1988

    Growing Babies

    Babies are getting so big. They'll be seven weeks tomorrow hoping for all girls.
  10. Lacey1988

    Blue Wyandotte

    Does any one have a picture of a blue wyandotte chick? Not Laced. Need solid. Because I recently bought two lavender chicks from a woman who claimed they were orpingtons but immediately I noticed one had a rose comb. I didn't say anything because well, I liked the look and I wasn't getting them...
  11. Lacey1988

    First Fuzzy Butts of the Year

    Here are my first chicks of the year. Two, the black one and the white one are silkies and the two blue ones ( the darker one is a Lavender Orpington and the lighter one may or may not be a Blue Wyandotte. This is the most I've ever paid for chicks lols. Anybody else have some fuzzy butts...
  12. Lacey1988

    Two Chicks Similar but Not The Same

    I bought two chicks yesterday from a woman claiming that they were Lavender Orps. Well, when she brought them out I knew instantly that one wasn't. It was blue yes, but it had a rose comb which is a dead give away that no it wasn't an Orpington, it also has yellow around its eye. Now the other...
  13. Lacey1988

    Enjoying Some Sun

    Its a bright sunny day in the great state of Mississippi so I decided to let the chickens out. Big Dip and the Golden Girls(Muffy & Buffy) Ms. Daisy (whom might I add has laid her very first egg today) Lacey(named after her SLW Grandmother, who was killed in a dog attack) Pepper...
  14. Lacey1988

    First cull to eat

    Today I killed(to eat anyways) and plucked my first chicken today all under the guidance of my grandmother and it was an experience let me tell you. I haven't laughed that much in a very long time. Oh, not because I killed a chicken, I'm not a sadist after all ha it was because of the face my...
  15. Lacey1988

    Couldn't stand it any longer

    Well, Its January and I usually wait until spring to incubate but like the title says I just couldn't stand it any longer. So I unboxed it and cleaned it up a bit. I put three eggs in there (not sure from which hen or even the rooster), Hope they hatch. Here is my boys I hope I get a NN
  16. Lacey1988

    Waiting on Spring

    Last year was the first time I incubated chicken eggs. Here are the results. Big Dip Daisy Lacey And Hoppy whom only has one leg and forgot to take a picture of. Anyways, I had a lot of fun doing this and can not wait till spring to do more. I put the eggs in about the end of February...
  17. Lacey1988

    Those Unnecessary Worries

    Well, my little dog Meka is going to be spayed in a couple of weeks and I'm already a nervous mother. I have put it off and put it off mainly because I know that there are risks just as there are when a human has surgery. Also I watched a horrifying video of a veterinarian beating a dog and...
  18. Lacey1988

    A Rooster of Many Colors

    When I was incubating last year I told my niece that if she picked out an egg that I'd put her name on it and when it hatched it would be hers. At first I thought it was a hen then as it got older- Strawberry became Big Dip. His mother was a Black Sex-Link and His Father was a SLW When he...
  19. Lacey1988

    Ugh Sexing Guineas

    Don't you wish they were easy like chickens to sex? ha. I do believe I have a pair I'm not sure one makes that buck-wheat sound all the time and I do mean ALL THE TIME(especially when someone walks to the pen) The other one however is mostly quiet only making little whistling noises and chirps...
  20. Lacey1988

    Watch Birds

    I have these two in a run right beside my chicken pen. I call them my watch birds, I figure they'll make more noise if an animal shows up during the night than chickens. I hope its a male and female. One makes the sound of a broken down printer, the other makes a loud two tone call.
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