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  1. missourichickenmama

    This has never happened before...

    A few nights ago, a stray dog came to our back deck. He was not like all the the other strays after our chickens. For one, he was sooooo skinny. It looked like he was starving. He was also friendly, but did not respond to mom or dad, only to the kids. mom and dad put food out for him, but he...
  2. missourichickenmama

    Happy easter!

    For my easter basket, I get a BYC Golden Feather membership.
  3. missourichickenmama

    Rate everything about the person above you!

    Just rate the signiture, usernamename, and avatar, of the person above you, between 1-10 Example format. Username: Avatar: Signiture: If the person above you does not have one of these, then just skip it. Everyone can join, as long as they had a username!
  4. missourichickenmama

    Rate the page(s) of the person above you!

    The rules of this game are to read the page of the person above you, then rate it between 1-10. If they have multipule pages, either read them all or just note which one you are rateing. Lets go!
  5. missourichickenmama

    Rename your blogs?

    I just had a thought, maybe instead of haveing to deleate a page and make another because the name doesn't apply anymore, maybe you could have a renameing option. On the same note, being able to rearrange them would be nice as well. Does anyone agree?
  6. missourichickenmama

    Favorite hen has a hurt foot. Can you use antibiotics on a chicken?

    Two days ago I noticed that my favorite hen, Little Girl, was limping. When her leg was examened I found some dried blood. Her leg doesn't look broken, dad and I both examined her. I washed her leg in soapy water. What kind of antibiotics can you use on a chicken's foot?
  7. missourichickenmama

    For those facebook users.... I created a chicken gift app! The idea is to be able to send chickens or eggs to your friends!If you have a chicken photo that you think would make a good gift, feel free to share it! If you would like, I will mention who donated the photos...
  8. missourichickenmama

    My chickens HATE snow...

    most of mine stay in their coop until they absolutely have to go out. My rooster hates it the most.
  9. missourichickenmama

    Possums- Will they EVER leave me ALONE?!?!

    When it was my birthday and I went to close up the coop, a possum cornered me. Screaming and yelling, I was trapped. I thought it was going to attack me any second, and I had nothing but a flash light to defend myself. I knew I could not throw the flash light at it, because then I would be at a...
  10. missourichickenmama

    A dog, a cat, and....

    chicken costumes! I'm holding the chicken.
  11. missourichickenmama

    The hidden message in my sig....

    Has anyone found it ? If you find it, please do what it says. Originally I thought it was too hard, so I added a hint.
  12. missourichickenmama

    I hate Hate HATE 'possums

    I just hate them. They are the only animals that I can't stand. Once on my birthday, one cornered me in the chicken coop, I could not get out. Needless to say, it is now dead. (I was angry enough that I was willing to EAT it, Dad said no, that possums eat dead things, so it would not be wise to...
  13. missourichickenmama

    I am jealouse of my chickens...

    Because they don't have seasonal allergies!
  14. missourichickenmama

    What happened? (Feather Problem, Fighting, Or what?)

    William went into the coop, the ran out to tell me that the wing of one of our chickens (a buff orpington, the feathers were buff) Was lying on the ground. I ran out to look, and found that it was not a wing, but a pile of feathers. We have all of our buff orpingtons,none of them has a bare...
  15. missourichickenmama

    Do you have Dragon cave pets, or Unicreatures pets?

    This is a Unicreature pet- Gem Dragon cave- My scroll Or No pets? No Pets? Or Both?
  16. missourichickenmama

    Which Smilie is better?

    A. B. C. D. E. F.
  17. missourichickenmama

    Tree Frogs

    Are on my window... They are catching little moths... It is very entertaining to watch. Do you have tree frogs that appear nightly?
  18. missourichickenmama

    Tree Frogs

    Are on my window... They are catching little moths... It is very entertaining to watch. Do you have nightly tree frogs?
  19. missourichickenmama

    Christian Radio stations

    I love listening to them! what radio program/song do you like best? Or do you just want to talk about christian radio in general?
  20. missourichickenmama

    Broody hen...

    I have a broody hen and some questions. this is the second time she has gone broody. Can I put day old chicks under her and will she accept them(and not kill them)? Do I have to keep her separate from all the other hens while she is broody?
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