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  1. Awestruck

    Broody Hen?

    I am on my second batch of chickens, and all of ours are hens, thank God. I have 2 White Leghorns who started laying eggs in August. One of them has decided to stay in the nest box all the time. Since I have had surgery and cannot be with the chickens at this time, my husband is taking care of...
  2. Awestruck

    Are Uncooked Lentils Really Dangerous for Chickens?

    So, my question is this, can I just cook the lentils until tender in the slow cooker, or do I also have to boil them first? And yes, I have the same questions because I have noticed that some chicken feed does contain lentils that are raw. This is a good topic to discuss.
  3. Awestruck

    How Old Are Hens When They Start Laying?

    We got 5 at the end of March (2 white leghorns, 2 barred rocks, and an astrolorp). The next week we got 4 Easter Eggers. A week after that, we got 2 Buff Orpingtons. I went back to the calendar and the first ones we got would be 19 weeks old. I guess they are old enough to start laying eggs now...
  4. Awestruck

    Why aren't my hens laying?

    Also, chickens generally do not lay many eggs when it is very hot out. Something else to consider.
  5. Awestruck

    Why aren't my hens laying?

    One thought could be the feed might be where the problem is. Although I have used that brand and I don't think I have had any problems. I do have a strange story with mine. I have 2 older ones, a New Hampshire Red, and and Black sex link. They are now 6 years old. Last year, the New Hampshire...
  6. Awestruck

    How Old Are Hens When They Start Laying?

    It seemed like the last time I had a batch of chickens, it seemed like they were 5-6 months when they started laying eggs. I have a new batch which are 4 months old, and one laid an egg today (a white leghorn). What is the age they start laying, generally speaking?
  7. Awestruck

    3 month evaluation

    My first batch of chickens contained a Rhode Island Red. Why I selected that one, I don't know. My daughter warned me about them, but I was desperate and thought that the season for selling chickens was almost over. My RIR was the first one I got. And it was the only rooster I had in that...
  8. Awestruck

    Why is it that Layer Feed is Lower in Protein Than Other Types of Chicken Feed?

    If laying hens need such a high protein content in their feed, why is the layering feed lower in protein content than the other types of chicken feed, such as 'All-Flock'? Maybe there's something I don't understand here. Thanks for any insight.
  9. Awestruck

    Why is nobody laying?!

    I don't know where you live, but sometimes, hot weather or rainy weather can affect egg production. I remember this when I was buying eggs from a nursery/farm. Also, could it be that the hens are beginning to molt? I have some older girls and one of them laid eggs for about 3 months last year...
  10. Awestruck

    How Young To Tell If Pullets Are Roosters?

    Silly me. I posted pics of them but under the wrong thread. Let me try to post them here.
  11. Awestruck

    White Leghorns Flying, Jumping, or Perching in Trees?

    Here is another picture I took. There are 11 altogether.
  12. Awestruck

    White Leghorns Flying, Jumping, or Perching in Trees?

    This is one picture of them I took this morning.
  13. Awestruck

    White Leghorns Flying, Jumping, or Perching in Trees?

    The ones that look like they would take off would be the Easter Eggers! I may let them out in the yard tomorrow and see how that goes. If I get brave enough to do so!
  14. Awestruck

    How Young To Tell If Pullets Are Roosters?

    How early can we see the signs of a baby chicken of being a rooster? Mine are like 2 months old and I don't see any indications that any of them are roosters. What are the signs that would indicate that my baby chickens are roosters, if they are? I'm hoping for all hens.
  15. Awestruck

    White Leghorns Flying, Jumping, or Perching in Trees?

    That's a great idea on clipping the wings. I did that to one of mine that flew over the fence. I keep the babies in a large coop/run right now and don't want to let them out yet. We might get a fence and may get a higher one as well. I notice with my older ones, they don't fly anymore or try to...
  16. Awestruck

    White Leghorns Flying, Jumping, or Perching in Trees?

    I have 2 baby (hopefully pullets) White Leghorns who are growing and getting bigger. Pretty soon they will be out in the chicken yard. The problem is, I have heard that White Leghorns are flyers and jump over fences. I don't know how much protection I need to have for them. I have a 6 ft. fence...
  17. Awestruck

    Millet for babies?

    I am in a slow process in restructuring my chicken feed. Trying to add ingredients that are fairly high in protein. I'm using the chick starter mainly for the babies and layer pellets for the big girls. I gave the big girls some millet today. This is a new food for them. I am wondering if I...
  18. Awestruck

    Do you name your chickens?

    The first batch we got, I thought they were all pullets, so I named one Ginger, and he turned out to be a rooster. The ones I have now are Lucy, Angelica, Rosemary, Oreo, Lady Gladys, Serenity, Cinnamon, Cocoa, Gwendolyn, Buttercup and Cornflower. Four of them were named by my grandchildren...
  19. Awestruck

    Laying Shell-less Eggs

    Thanks everyone for the suggestions. I ordered some calcium citrate and will put it in their food. I also have a friend going through the same problem with one of her chickens and was able to share this info with her. Here's to healthy chicken eggs!!!!!!!
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