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  1. Ellochicken

    Good Names For A Golden Laced Wyandotte

    Hey BYC! So, I've been having a great time naming my 8 new babies, but I need one more name! I have a 5 week old Golden Laced Wyandotte that needs a name. She is absolutely gorgeous, and needs a name that suits her. Since my brain has been fried (school and stuff) I need a little help. Any and...
  2. Ellochicken

    Shipping Baby Chicks?

    Thank you for all of this information! We're going to be calling my dads friend here shortly to talk about possibilities for getting the chicks here, and you have provided me with everything i need! Thank you so much! -Ellochicken
  3. Ellochicken

    Shipping Baby Chicks?

    Hello B.Y.C! I have a serious question for you guys. I am planning to get two little baby Cream Legbars from my dads friend... who lives in Arkansas. I am situated in Iowa, and we were wondering if shipping the little chicks would be a good idea (if at all possible). The questions we have are...
  4. Ellochicken

    Ages and Timing

    Thank you so much for this valuable information! Do the chicks usually tend to get along when they finally get put together if they're kept in bins that are close to each other and where they can see each other, or does it not really matter? Thank you for getting back to me so soon...
  5. Ellochicken

    Ages and Timing

    I'm in a bit of a sticky situation... My dads friend is offering my family some cream leg bars, and they hatched last Tuesday, and we won't be able to make room for them until this weekend, and we wouldn't be able to get the rest of the chicks we need until next weekend (if you're confused...
  6. Ellochicken

    Looking for New Chicks in IA

    Hey BYC! I've been looking into getting some new little chicks to add to our family, and I need your help! I've been looking online, and I can't find any that ship that have a minimum order of 15 or more! I can only have 6, so I need another solution. Let me know of anyone you might know around...
  7. Ellochicken

    Where Are My Eggs?!?!

    SUCCESS!!! I have found an egg in the nesting box today! Thank you all for your support, and it turns out that it WAS the feed! They had been eating their regular feed for about a month now, and have finally bounced back enough to start producing again! I greatly appreciate the constant posts to...
  8. Ellochicken

    Where Are My Eggs?!?!

    I have two Buff Orpingtons, 2 Black Stars (Sex-Links), and 1 Rhode Island Red. I have a heat lamp on them most of the day until about 10 at night. And I'm almost completely sure that the feed store had enough protein in their feed, but not entirely sure. I am trying to find some laying hens...
  9. Ellochicken

    Where Are My Eggs?!?!

    THANK YOU! I will try de-worming them, and i have only noticed my RIR, Penny, has been heavily molting, but I didn't even THINK about worms or stress... You may have saved them until spring... Thank You SO SO SO SO much, foreverlearning!!!!!! -Ellochicken
  10. Ellochicken

    Where Are My Eggs?!?!

    Hey B.Y.C, This should have come up to topic about a month ago, but my chickens stopped laying, a month ago. I'm not talking gradual here, they just one day, out of the blue, STOPPED! This all happened when we decided to start giving them a natural feed with cracked corn and all that good stuff...
  11. Ellochicken

    Identifying Chicks of the Same Breed... Help!

    I just got 6 cream legbar chicks... and I really want to be able to tell them apart! Would the leg rings be too big for them, and would it be safe to paint a toenail on each chick until they grow up and I will find ways to tell them apart? Thanks! -Ellochicken
  12. Ellochicken

    To wash or not to wash eggs?

    Well, of course there's the 'keeping them fresh longer part', but you also have to think about this. Say you're making scrambled eggs, and you forget to wash the egg, and when you crack it into the pan, some of the shell falls in, and that shell had salmonella bacteria covering the shell. And...
  13. Ellochicken

    Breed Recommendations for a newbie

    I think you should check this out! They have full descriptions of breeds, and it helped me select my wonderful hens! Good Luck! -Ellochicken
  14. Ellochicken

    should i add a Rooster??? HELP!!

    My friend has a rooster, and it wakes her up at 5:45 EVERY MORNING! Just take that into consideration, and check with local city/town laws and see if you can actually HAVE a rooster on your property. And it might bug the crap out of neighbors. P.S! The rooster that wakes my friend up every...
  15. Ellochicken

    Nipple Waterer Training?

    Wow! I'm in visiting TN at the moment! What a coincidence! But they do get a good amount of water in their beaks when they peck the nipple, right? -Ellochicken
  16. Ellochicken

    Nipple Waterer Training?

    Just curious as well, I've seen nipple waterers, and I just wondered how they get the water. I know it comes from the nipple itself, but does it squirt in their mouth or does it drip when they peck at it. Do they get an actual 'drink' from it, or do they have to peck it multiple times to get a...
  17. Ellochicken

    Why Keep The Coop Off Of The Ground?

    Thank you all SO much for so many responses! I now have the knowledge I need to build my new coop this fall! I also have rodent problems with my current coop, which is sitting on the ground and housing a fast growing family of chipmunks, and it's a pain to clean, so I see your point there, but...
  18. Ellochicken

    Why Keep The Coop Off Of The Ground?

    Hey BYC! I've been looking at some new chicken coop designs for my future fluffy butts, and I saw that almost every coop I looked at was raised of the ground. Why is that? Is it for winter, bug protection, or does it just look better? Thanks! -Ellochicken
  19. Ellochicken

    Black Spots On The Comb?!

    My Buff Orpington hen Sunshine has been getting some black spots on her comb, and I was wondering if it was some kind of disease? I really have no clue, and I'm pretty sure it isn't frostbite because my RIR Penny has frostbite, and it looks nothing like this. They're little black spots on the...
  20. Ellochicken

    Factory "Farm" Culled Chick Rescue and Recovery

    "This is a male baby chick, in his last moment on earth. Below him is a giant grinder into which he will fall alive because he hatched male, and is therefore useless to the egg industry. His fate is shared by 200 million baby male chicks every year. He lived only for a moment, but he wasn't...
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