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  1. momof247371

    Bad Bad mama duck!

    If my momma ducks grabbed her babies by the neck, i'd prolly do that same to her! i have never had this happen.. With any breed of duck...i would let her sit again, but as soon as the eggs hatch tkae the babies away! The real thing is the best incubator you will ever have !
  2. momof247371

    Looking for some really cheap duck eggs :)

    I have a flock of blue, black sweedish, mallards, campbells, pekins, and a few more... I sometimes get a dozen to dozen n a half eggs a i have plenty..If you still need eggs email me at [email protected].. thanks!
  3. momof247371

    Where do I find these cages?

    I have one, i got it in a large lot of cages i baught last year.. one is the same color and shape as those and then the other is a square fold down one..
  4. momof247371

    Toulouse Goose eggs?

    I am gettin some eggs from my toulouse , brown chinese, and embden.. 1 just hatched out 6 and i have another sitting on another nest.. ive gotten 2 eggs in 2 days and im not sure whos laying them....Could be any of them.. if your interested email me at [email protected].. I have already...
  5. momof247371

    Toulouse & Embden hatching eggs...6 total + extra duck eggs

    Up for sale are 6 goose eggs.. they can be either Embden or toulouse..I have 4 embden geese(1 male.3female) and 2 toulouse(1male.1female) we also have a single chinese who runs the pasture so u may even get a mixed egg. we already have one on a nest of about 20 eggs and they are starting...
  6. momof247371

    Stun Gun used on 10 year old boy in IN..crazy stuff....

    I have to say that I am a little shocked at the responces to this... I dont believe that any child should be tazered(if the child had a gun and was shooting at people or something, thats a different story)...If you are a grown man with a gun and a tazer you should b able to subdue a 10 year old...
  7. momof247371

    Stun Gun used on 10 year old boy in IN..crazy stuff....,-10#viewSingle94958873 Could not believe this...Its "child abuse" when a parent spanks their child yet the police are doing this.......something is very very wrong here!
  8. momof247371

    Who Uses Weeder Geese?

    All my geese are "weeder" geese. I have toulouse, embden, and a brown chinese.. Havent had one yet that didnt like grass, weeds, catails, etc...
  9. momof247371

    Call duck uses

    they are gonna freak out lol:)
  10. momof247371

    Call duck uses

    Duck Luck......I wish u were closer to me, i would take them in a split second.. im in east central IN... ehh son needs some more for 4 H too , he is also six and I have a 4 year old.. great for kids .....
  11. momof247371

    aferican gander is sitting on eggs

    thats cute.. the males will share nesting duties and they will protect that nest with their life just like momma would...
  12. momof247371

    Call duck uses

    AWWWW...come on mom...they dont eat much! And your daughter can tame them down really well.. great size for kids, wont get tore up or bit like some larger breed ducks...I see an opportunity to teach her responsibility and that although animals are essentail for food and other goods, they also...
  13. momof247371

    Amazing Horsemanship!!!! Touching! Gotta see!

    This reminds me of the bonds between us and our animals..Its so AMAZING! The trust, love, devotion, & understanding..Unspoken but very visible...Lets just say, i need a tissue!
  14. momof247371

    What color of calls do you think?

    I agree, those are NOT calls...I would email these people and send them pics as proof that you did not get what you paid for....Let us know what they say!
  15. momof247371

    I made barred cochins(well their parents did)lol..But how?

    I knew they already existed but I just didnt know what pairing made them.. It was a fun surprise;)
  16. momof247371

    I made barred cochins(well their parents did)lol..But how?

    I dont need the birds and bees talk. lol. I have buff, white/lemon, blue. and mottled(he passed) bantam cochins and somehow got barred babies from that group. Would you say I got them from Mottled roo/blue hen?? I gave some hatching eggs(cochins & others) to my step dad, and I could tell they...
  17. momof247371

    Gracie discovers the water hose

    She's beautiful! and thats too cute;)
  18. momof247371

    Ducks are laying what to do with the eggs?

    If they could be fertile, send em to me!! I will test em for ya!
  19. momof247371

    This one makes me kinda nervous - add a caption!

    This little chicky went to the market, this little chicky stayed home, this little chicky.........
  20. momof247371

    This one makes me kinda nervous - add a caption!

    MMMMMMMmmm....Chicken Nuggets!
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