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  1. SaraSue2014

    Review by '' on item 'Sussex'

    This breed is my favorite thus far. We have had Speckled Sussex sine we started raising chickens in 2014. They are very docile towards other chickens unlike our Easter Eggers or Aracanas who are just plain bullies. They lay every day and through all seasons. They tend to be broodier than my...
  2. SaraSue2014

    Comment by 'SaraSue2014' in media 'scalped (?) infected head wound on hen found on roadside'

    I wouldn't removed the scab but I would use hot compress on it to make sure there isn't any puss underneath building up, which will also help to soften the scab and allow it to come of on it own when its ready. Also an ointment will help the skin stay moist and soft and heal. I would say its...
  3. SaraSue2014

    New Intro : Old Member

    Thanks ya'll!
  4. SaraSue2014

    Comment by 'SaraSue2014' in media 'scalped (?) infected head wound on hen found on roadside'

    have you doctored on her any? Over the year we have had a multitude of chickens with wounds, that a littler antiseptic and antibiotic ointment healed in no time.
  5. First Flock Plus Ducks

    First Flock Plus Ducks

  6. Hercules : Best Daddy Duck:goose Ever

    Hercules : Best Daddy Duck:goose Ever

    Hercules was a male Muscovy a breed of geese not actually a duck. We bought him a mate and soon after she hatched out their first batch of eggs she left him with the babies. She obviously wasn't into being a parent. He raised every baby just like a mother would.
  7. First Flock Was Really Into Yogurt Treats

    First Flock Was Really Into Yogurt Treats

  8. SaraSue2014

    New Intro : Old Member

    I have been raising chickens for about 4 or 5 years, my wife about 50+. They are such an entertaining species. We have about 22 adult chickens and 6 new "whittes". We love to watch them grow. The only downside is tryin to keep them out of the gardens in the spring and summer. We have had a lot...
  9. baby snuggling with Mama Kitty

    baby snuggling with Mama Kitty

  10. Best Baby Sitter Ever

    Best Baby Sitter Ever

  11. SaraSue2014

    How many chickens does it take to...

    Check out when we decided to start the chicken thing ... This is where I went to help me get a general idea about what kind of laying chicken lays what blah blah blah... Plus I wanted to figure out which chickens lay color eggs... I knew from getting eggs from the neighbor...
  12. SaraSue2014

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    It's not to early tell but in pictures it's hard ... I have 14 and it's easy to tell sex but only in person when comparing them together.. Females have smaller legs and feet... Smaller beaks .. Shorter breast/chest And are just smaller in general... When ours first hatched I had to look up how...
  13. SaraSue2014

    Keeping Chickens Free Range

    We have 22 free chickens. 2 roosters and 20 hens. They are all young we just got them in March. We have a huge chicken coop that they roost in at night but are free range during the day. They put go in their coop on their own every night. We feed them "super cock" twice a day plus scraps when we...
  14. SaraSue2014

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    We have 10 muscovy ducklings for sale in Virginia. They are about 2 months old. We are only asking $5.00 a piece.
  15. SaraSue2014

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Our very proud drake Hercules taking care of his babies... He has taken care of them since they were a week old!
  16. SaraSue2014

    Questions about Muscovy ducks !

    Do drakes normally care and raise the ducklings? Our hen stayed with them for the first week because we made her(they were kept up.) But when we let them all out she kicked rocks... she only flys by to check up but never lands. We think she is already sitting again and hangs out at a neighbors...
  17. SaraSue2014

    Concerned for our hen Aphrodite

    We finally found a drake for our lonesome hen buddy. The guy we bought him from insisted that he was too much for one hen so we bought a hen too. The first day they all three stuck together like birds of a feather. But every days since Buddy and Hercules seem to be in love and don't go near...
  18. SaraSue2014

    Look for Muscovys near Va

    So we went out of town to visit my dad and asked around a local feed stores and found Muscovy! Score!
  19. SaraSue2014

    Look for Muscovys near Va

    Like east coast... As far north as Maryland and as far south as SC... The only hatchery I found online was in OK....
  20. SaraSue2014

    Look for Muscovys near Va

    We have one Muscovy. She's spoiled and was raised as an only duck with chickens ... We want to get her some friends. Does anyone have any idea where I could find some for sale anywhere close to va ??????
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