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  1. Lauravonsmurf

    April's Jersey Giants

    ❤️ the big birds
  2. Lauravonsmurf

    Conservation of Brown Red Japanese Bantam

    Thank you for sharing your breeding project
  3. Lauravonsmurf

    Mini American Game Breeding Project(From Scratch)(And Discussion Thread)

    Yeah, my hens hide too. Mine are hiding their nests again.
  4. Lauravonsmurf

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    CREAM OF WHEAT COOKIES These cookies bake at 325 Deg F or 160 Deg C. for 15-20 mins until light brown. These are great with a hot cup of chocolate or cold milk. You can also add raisins or nuts to this if you like. 2 oz soft butter 1 large egg or 2 tbsp yogurt 3/4 cup icing sugar 3/4 cup...
  5. Lauravonsmurf

    Back At The Chicken Shack

    Set up another hanging planter nest today since the hens seem to love them. Been getting eggs since I set up the first one. I put wood eggs in them. Seems to be working as a nesting option while we tear down and rebuild stuff.
  6. Lauravonsmurf

    Back At The Chicken Shack

    Okay tried this but made changes… so first original recipe I found on Facebook CREAM OF WHEAT COOKIES These cookies bake at 325 Deg F or 160 Deg C. for 15-20 mins until light brown. These are great with a hot cup of chocolate or cold milk. You can also add raisins or nuts to this if you like...
  7. Lauravonsmurf

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    Cull hard obviously is the moral of the story. It’s true though. I definitely won’t be hatching chicks. I might put an order in kids want a few Sultans again, out of the breeds they were super friendly, but my gosh predator attractors… they will have to be penned every Top Hat gets killed, just...
  8. Lauravonsmurf

    The Heritage Rhode Island Red Site

    I know. Your right. I’ve got a mixed flock but the two Rhode Island breeds even if not SOP are doing well
  9. Lauravonsmurf

    Coop Location

    Partway there, hopefully if weather is good tomorrow I can get old privacy screen stuff torn down and put in the big pile away from the area, the n start dragging the big metal panels into the area and start building. I will see how it goes when I get off work tomorrow what I get done.
  10. Lauravonsmurf

    Integrating my chickens.

    Here is how I do it I create a space the new birds will be safe in. That could be a pen, small coop, kennel etc, then place that in or around were the established flock is. Obviously food, water and cleaning of this smaller enclosure will be needed. However this allows the two groups to see each...
  11. Lauravonsmurf

    Coop Location

    I agree noise can be a thing even from hens. I actually have placed coops and runs on pavers and bricks as a predator prevention. Plus that’s a nice level area for coop and pen build. The advice other folks gave is solid on keeping the area clean and smell down. I am in the middle of rebuilding...
  12. Lauravonsmurf

    Your 2024 Garden

    I also want to plant a variety of sweet potatoes this year and purples are on the list
  13. Lauravonsmurf

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Ok those are cool just texted hubby. Hopefully I can get him to order them. Those might work awesome in the backyard
  14. Lauravonsmurf

    Your 2024 Garden

    Starting to plan out the things I need to replace, lime and apple for sure. Upright Rosemary. All my Lavender varieties, total loss there. Pretty sure the CA Poppies too. Replant onions, potatoes and garlic. Herbs… fennel, thyme, savory, oregano… I am hoping the lemon balm made it, haven’t...
  15. Lauravonsmurf

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Good to know as I am considering getting some chicks ordered
  16. Lauravonsmurf

    What did you do in the garden today?

    Well new pen shifted into what we think will be its permanent spot. We can start outfitting it now, and making it Fort Knox. Second broken coop broken up, we may recycle some sections as trellises and yard art on the fences. The third baby coop along with scavenged poultry/bird wire stacked...
  17. Lauravonsmurf

    Any Home Bakers Here?

    I will have to try this once the Oatmeal Cookies are done.
  18. Lauravonsmurf

    What did you do in the garden today?

    No but I’ve been wanting to try it. I know folks who have and it seems to work.
  19. Lauravonsmurf

    What did you do in the garden today?

    That’s cool.
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