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  1. GAchick

    gosling dying

    Other than heat, and either sugar water, or polyvisol/no iron, or the Poultry Nutri-Drench, I don't know. I had a 6 day old suddenly quit eating, and it just stood in the corner with it's head down for 5 days. Day 12 it perked up, and is fine now. I know this was of no real use to you, but I...
  2. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Yes, I've been on BYC for awhile, now, because of my chickens. Never thought of getting geese. Had considered ducks, but had not gotten around to getting any, yet. When these fell into my lap, it was a nice surprise, though I fretted about Narcissus for days. Now that the crisis is over, I...
  3. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Of the original 9 ducks I kept (I gave 4 to another lady here who had been wanting ducks for awhile) 2 died. One of hers died before she got her home. So I have 7. All buffs and gold star hybrids. Four buffs, and three gold star, .. I know there is one male, and one is a mystery duck that was...
  4. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    yes, after I saw her eating normally, and grooming herself, I gave such a sigh of relief. I figured Narcy would catch up to Gerty (or maybe it'll shorten to Trudy?) within a few weeks. Especially once I start putting them outside for a couple of hours a day. I am so happy. These gals were...
  5. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    This picture shows general size difference. Of course, they weren't the same distance from the camera, but you can see how much bigger Gertrude is than Narcissus. Aren't they beautiful!
  6. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    I promise you, Miss Lydia I will post pictures. My daughter and I got some good pictures, earlier. So hard to get both of them in the picture, so you can see the dramatic size difference in the two of them. I'm going to get her to put them on the computer, and I'll come on here later and...
  7. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    For the first time, I feel like there is hope for her. She has been eating with good appetite this morning, and I've seen her poo three good healthy looking poops this morning. I've also seen her grooming herself, finally! Yeah, Narcissus!
  8. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Well, she appears to have worked up an appetite. She jumped into the fresh bowl of food, along with the others, this morning. No standing there in the corner.
  9. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Well, the only feed store I could get to today did not have it. She is still alive, but no better. But, on the bright side, she's not dead. I will try the only other feed store near my work on the way in tomorrow. By the time I get off of work, all the feed stores are closed. Even if I can't...
  10. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Thanks Miss Lydia, I won't be able to try it until I get home tonight, but I will get it at lunchtime today. If she's still alive when I get home, we will give it to her. How often should she get it, and how much? (Or are the directions on the container for geese?)
  11. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    She's still alive, though weak and wobbly. I've tried human baby rice cereal, with a couple drops of poly-vi-sol no iron. Maybe a nibble.... I cut three different kinds of grass from around the yard, even cut some of it into little pieces. Tried floating some in water. Tried mixing a little...
  12. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    Don't know about the poop. Didn't see much in her hospital box. But something is definately wrong with her. Failure to thrive, if nothing else. She delicately nibbles at food, but shows no real appetite. She drinks water. But the biggest thing I noticed when I came home tonight, after not...
  13. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    I don't know. I put her back with the others this morning, since my son rigged up a watering system like one I saw on here, where the water drains to a catch pan underneath the waterer that the ducks/geese can't get to to spash in. She is just very lethargic. She'll stand there, with all the...
  14. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    She's still standing this morning, but I put her back with the other girls, and when I put the fresh bowl of food in, they all rushed it, and she just stood there. She's really beautiful, and I don't want to lose her. I had been wanting to get ducks this year. I had no idea that baby geese...
  15. GAchick

    Female Embden gosling won't eat

    I unexpectedly aquired 2 four day old goslings, and 7 assorted ducks. I work for the P.O., and last Thursday, I received a phone call from the plant, telling me they had a box of missent ducks, and they would not make it to their intended destination. Did I want them? Well, hell, I couldn't...
  16. GAchick

    Trying to live on McDonalds Chicken Nuggets

    Nuggets in the US are made with a paste made up of fillers and ground chicken PARTS. Less than 50% chicken. 56% corn. 38 ingredients in all. Google it. Blech!
  17. Default


  18. GAchick

    When to order chicks for future broody to raise?

    Don't mean to be negative, here, but how are you going to order months in advance for something that may not EVER happen? Do you have very broody breeds, even? Most of my birds have never gone broody. One SLW, and everything else was a silkie or silkie cross. And I never knew it was going to...
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