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  1. Xephyr

    Chicken Proof Garden's 2015

    My other garden is not done yet. Well it was a raised garden already yes, but to put plants in it we needed a chicken forcefield first. So this is what we have so far. There are 3 sections that simply lift off for plant care. But it was late, and I am wimping out till later this week. Here...
  2. Xephyr

    Chicken Proof Garden's 2015

    Oh, I forgot to mention that the front on the Right side is fastened by little gold cup hooks so I can get in to tend the plants.
  3. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    Well it has been a week now and she is running around with the other hens. They can be pretty mean. She is a very meek little girl so we help a bit. We have a timeout cage, silly huh, for the one who decides to pick on her. It actually seems to be working. Though it is a lot of work catching the...
  4. Xephyr

    Chicken Proof Garden's 2015

    So after our lab dug up/ate my old garden ...I gave up for awhile. Then I got chickens......they very cutely ate everything :-) I think I had green withdrawal so decided to Lab/chicken proof and make my own gardens. Here is the first that was ready to plant I used this plastic (very light and...
  5. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    Cute shirt ! I should get one for that dude that ran haha.
  6. Xephyr

    Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

    Just an FYI - I got my answer with pretty little blue/green eggs This is a GIRL :-)
  7. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    and yes they have coyotes in those hills. Probably more I don't know of too.
  8. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    My husband and the crews out there said they'd never heard her/it crow. And it appears tame, sat in my husbands lap to be pet. **Funny story, One of the guys was kinda nervous about her following them around each day....and at one point he ran. So, ...Ok kids, if something is following...
  9. Xephyr

    Easter Egger - found lost wandering the forest--Rooster or hen?

    So My husband has been working up in the hills nearby and has been telling me of this easter egger that would follow him around at the site begging for food. We started to feel sorry for it as it was getting kinda skinny. He finally brought it home, and I was wondering ...Hen or rooster?
  10. Xephyr

    Can chickens over eat themselves?

    They eat lots of their standard feed too. Plus I throw Happy Hen treats over the top
  11. Xephyr

    Can chickens over eat themselves?

    Hi there So I normally steam up veggies and chop lettuce/cabbage etc. tomatoes whatever I have and throw it all into a big casserole dish for my 4 chickens. My husband was concerned that I was going to over feed them ---like they were like goldfish that you can over feed and kill. Is that...
  12. Xephyr

    Hello all! No more lurking, looking for breed suggestions.

    Yes I just love my calm cuddly Orpington - and my easter Egger is excellent entertainment. Great birds
  13. Xephyr

    Hello all! No more lurking, looking for breed suggestions.

    Welcome!! I personally am no expert, and my girls haven't laid any eggs yet. But I found a nice 'chicken finder' on the My Pet Chicken site. This is the link It let me pick by personality, egg color and cold tolerance...
  14. Xephyr

    Hello From Sodak

    Welcome Doc! Hope you enjoy when your girls arrive.
  15. Xephyr

    Oregon Backyard Chickies - The Melody, Harmony, Nova and Vega Chronicles

    So I live in a small town in Oregon, with a small backyard. The story goes that years ago I had a little parrot I loved, an Indian ring neck named Jasper. and one day he flew away. I waited 2 years for him to come back or be found but he never did. So eventually I got this...
  16. Xephyr

    Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

    She was too slow coming out of the coop and got left behind in the garage. She may have been upset. That was the loudest noise---never heard it before. Thanks, she is my sweetie, and we can't have roosters. She has been suspected by the rest of my family for a while because she is so loud.
  17. Xephyr

    Ameracauna/Easter Egger Rooster or Hen?

    Ok so here is my Easter Egger Melody. She made a loud noise today kinda like she was trying to crow. She is just 20 weeks. None of my hens have laid yet so I don't know She is a noisy, chatty thing, but very entertaining and purrs. Is this a rooster? Can anyone show me their rooster? I see no...
  18. Xephyr

    My poor lawn :(

    Jail Break scene :-) haha I think I know what you mean. Mine dash out the door then all run-fly together across the yard. Then they do little fly/leap at each other duels for a sec, then back to the peck scratching. I have been wanting to catch it on my camera.
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