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  1. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Hope everyone has a blessed weekend
  2. Bowleggedcowboy

    Topic of the Week - Coop Bedding and Waste Management; Deep Litter Method etc.

    Hi Sumi, I use the deep litter method and it works really well. I usually let it get up to 16-20 inches deep before I put in the compost pile in the outer run. The chickens love to go thru it. I use either straw or pine shavings. The floor of the coop is plywood with vinyl flooring over it. For...
  3. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Grace is like gravy, it goes on everything and makes everything better.
  4. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    one of my favorite childhood memories.
  5. Bowleggedcowboy

    Best ways to tell who's laying and who is not?

    I think using a trail or deer camera in the coop would be the best way to tell which chickens are laying and which ones aren't.. :)
  6. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Hi Sumi good morning. Read that page from your link and that's why it says in Matthew 6:19-21 to Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor...
  7. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    One of my hens fell and got hung on the perch she hung like that all day until my wife got home to collect eggs. It did turn out ok though, she was able to walk ok.
  8. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Amen to that. Good quote! ;)
  9. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying!
  10. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    @N F C Looks like your gonna get a lot of rain from that tropical storm Debby
  11. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Great quotes :)
  12. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    My work is to proclaim the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. “Prepare to meet thy God” (Amos 4:12), is the warning to be given to the world. It is a warning to us individually. We are called upon to lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us. There is...
  13. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    @Beekissed I kind of figured it was probably like you said but just wanted to be sure. All 17 hens have been together for 2 years now. I set her up some feed and water and a shelter box for her she gets to roam the whole yard now all by herself. :) thanks Beekissed for your reply :)
  14. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    I didn't know chickens could be so mean to another chicken in the flock. This one Rhode island red has gone blind and when I came home Friday from work I came out to collect eggs and put out some scratch 4-5 of the chickens were picking on this one red and even the other reds in the flock where...
  15. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    X2 Congratulations Cynthia on the grand baby!! :)
  16. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    If we want to stand firm, we have to keep up our defenses up and our knees down to the ground.
  17. Bowleggedcowboy

    Quotes and Thoughts for the Day

    Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers on here. Some thoughts on why mothers are such a blessing!! Children are a blessing from the Lord (Ps. 127:3-5). Motherhood is a great honor and privilege, yet it is also synonymous with servanthood. Every day women are called upon to selflessly meet the...
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