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  1. rachellou76

    Hens damaged wing, from the rooster???

    My hens are all different ages, none over 3 years old. He's kind of rough with them. Most have feathers missing from their head as well where he grabs them. I think I'm going to have to separate him. He's nice to me but CONSTANTLY on the hens.
  2. rachellou76

    Hens damaged wing, from the rooster???

    A few of my hens have damage on their wings, like the feathers are broken. Is that from my rooster? He is constantly jumping on them. If so, what can I do? Will it help to remove the spurs? Will I have to rehome him?
  3. rachellou76

    Foot problem in a 3 week old duckling

    Thanks. It doesn't look promising. :(
  4. rachellou76

    Foot problem in a 3 week old duckling

    Another picture of it. It's like it isn't using its "ankles"
  5. rachellou76

    Foot problem in a 3 week old duckling

    I have a 3 week old duckling (6 of them actually) there's one that's smaller than the others and has a hard time walking. I tried splinting the legs like you do with spraddle leg but it doesn't seem to help. It is receiving brewer's yeast, not on a slippery surface, I'm cutting its food with...
  6. rachellou76

    Moving eggs in the carton?

    Quick question, I tried incubating and my temps were low, none hatched but had started to develop. I want to try incubating in the carton, how do I turn them? Is it enough to just alternate elevating each end of the carton or should I do it end over end? I don't have a turner. Thanks!!!
  7. rachellou76

    Just molting right?

    NE Ohio. We got her from West Virginia about a month ago and she looked like she was starting a molt. Now, she looks like this.
  8. rachellou76

    Just molting right?

    She's a golden comet/red sex link She looks pitiful. None of my other chickens look like her. She won't let me pick her up and this is about the best picture I could get. My Jersey giant molted last year and looked similar. My run has been muddy and I thought it was mud at first but I think...
  9. rachellou76

    Would a rooster help?

    Update: We trapped a coon!!! He will no longer be bothering my chickens. We reset the trap just in case there are more in the area and secured the coop better.
  10. rachellou76

    Muddy run?

    Ok, I'm in Ohio and we're starting to see the 2 feet of snow melt this week. Unfortunately, it's make my run really muddy because the snow is built up all around it. It has an actual roof over it. Is there something I can put in the run to kind of soak up the mud? Would straw work? My husband...
  11. rachellou76

    Would this be too many roosters?

    I want to eventually incubate my own chicks.
  12. rachellou76

    Would this be too many roosters?

    I currently have 49 hens and 1 rooster. I'm about to get more chicks, 8 more females but I want to get a few more roosters. 1 Black Australorp, 1 Golden Buff, 1 Buff Orpington, and 1 Easter Egger. So I would end up with 57 hens and 5 roosters. The rooster I have now is very docile. if I raise...
  13. rachellou76

    What are your rooster experiences?

    A couple pictures of Elvis:
  14. rachellou76

    What are your rooster experiences?

    I have a Black Cochin rooster I call Elvis. He is great. He's a big lazy butt. Doesn't attack us and will let us pet him. He doesn't even crow. He walks so slowly, it's funny. But he will intervene if the hens get into a bad fight with each other. I'm wanting to get a few more roosters. My son...
  15. rachellou76

    Available for pick up but not ship?

    Thanks! I'm an hour and a half away. I can't do the pick up date of this Monday, but I think I'm going to try for April 6. My son wants a Buff Orp rooster for his 4H project. I'm also getting a couple more roosters and female chicks of various breeds.
  16. rachellou76

    Would a rooster help?

    Wow! That's crazy. I wouldn't think a coon could be that strong. When you guys mention cat food, do you mean canned or dry? Does it matter?
  17. rachellou76

    Available for pick up but not ship?

    I have a question. I'm looking to order some chicks and I want a variety. I guess I'm ordering late in the year because many of what I want is already sold out until late summer. So I was picking chicks on certain websites (Meyer, Mcmurray, etc), trying to get them all on the same hatch date...
  18. rachellou76

    Would a rooster help?

    That's what I don't get. We have lights on all night. The light in the barn is on. The heat light over the coop is on (it's been below zero lately). The light outside in the run is on. I thought that would be enough to keep the nocturnal predators away. :(
  19. rachellou76

    What breed are these?

    Ok, thanks! I wasn't sure about the little one because I didn't know they could lay brown eggs. I'm pretty sure the black one is an Australorp.
  20. rachellou76

    What breed are these?

    Ok, we got some hens from my husband's cousin and I know what most of them are (Easter Eggers, Wyandottes, Orpington, a silkie, and Leghorns) but I don't know what these two are. What is this? She is small, so I'm guessing a bantam. I thought she was a bantam Easter Egger but she lays little...
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