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  1. laythegrey

    Golden pheasants sexing, help needed please

    Yes that was my thinking as they look slightly different in its feathers. I have tried looking at the eyes but there's not too much differance. Does this become more apparent as they age or is it from birth? Thank you for your help
  2. laythegrey

    Golden pheasants sexing, help needed please

    hi all this year I have hatched my first golden pheasants I got 4 out and they are doing very well so far. I know that it is hard to tell when they are young so I have waited till now and I'm starting to see some differances. Can someone look at the photo and possibly help me with the sex of...
  3. laythegrey

    ID leg rings - what age?

    Thanks for the advice, my worry is if I wait till release the ring won't fit over the foot and hurt the bird when I put it on as they are sealed rings. Once on they will be left
  4. laythegrey

    ID leg rings - what age?

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice. I am part of a regeneration programme in the UK for grey partridge. I have hatched 30 and they are doing really well! :D Part of the programme is to add ID rings to their legs so they can be tracked once released. They are sealed rings and I was just...
  5. laythegrey

    Ringneck Pheasant info page *warning lots of PICS*

    I have 10 (hopefully) golden pheasants about to hatch tomorrow, so excited!!! Good info
  6. laythegrey

    Ringneck Pheasant info page *warning lots of PICS*

    Have got 10 golden phesant eggs about to hatch out!! So excited!!
  7. laythegrey

    What age to ring?

    Hi I'm just about to have my grey partridge hatch but need to ring them to help track them when I release them. I just don't know at what age I should be looking to put the rings on them? Don't want to do it too early/late. Any advice would be great. Cheers Matty
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