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  1. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    I'm no expert, I searched around and did find this article comparing the coati with the raccoon. I personally thought the narrow toes of the raccoon didn't look as close to my photo as the coati. I'm so curious now, hope to get it on the critter cam, if not in the trap...
  2. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    I read that they are intelligent like raccoons and are sometimes kept as pets. Which suggests to me that they are smart and adaptable to change - few wild critters do well in captivity. There is only one tree with skinny limbs that overhangs the fence - a squirrel could jump from limbs to...
  3. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    No, not really. There are 5 strands of electric on the outside of the 2 x 4 inch field fencing, bottom one is about 4" from the ground and then the others above are about 8" apart and all are about 3" out from the field wire. Tried to take care of a critter going under the bottom one or climbing...
  4. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    The Coati is the same family. This is a high elevation, arid forest, trees mixed with cactus, very little water. Our creek use to run 6 months out of the year, but this year it only ran 3 times, only for 2 or 3 days due to no rain and so far no snow. Close to creeks I've seen the Coaties but...
  5. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    Just found a news article from 2018 and it states that coati's do kill chickens and also they are a protected species in this state. From the tracks I found I'm pretty sure that's what it is. Hmph. "The coatimundi was captured by Tyler Sladen in Corrales over the weekend. Sladen, who works...
  6. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    Thank you for your input! I saw that track when I looked at the photos on the computer. I went down to the pen & found more and used a measuring device rather than a golf ball. :) Ground is frozen hard but sand around the wall held good ones! The back foot is looking like raccoon but we don't...
  7. wild chick

    What predator poops after a kill? (graphic photos)

    The only predator I've ever had is a bobcat and we haven't had a kill for over 2 years since putting up electric fence outside the 2 x 4" field wire paddock. This morning I have a partially eaten chicken in the run and a pile of poop in the coop. Some of the ends of toes were eaten, which I...
  8. wild chick

    Review by 'wild chick' in article 'Fort Ski- Southeast Louisiana chicken coop/run'

    Details are so helpful and photos are icing on the cake!
  9. wild chick

    Weird egg, inside & out

    Very informative, thank you! Since she's eating the same as all the others, I was assuming a personal problem in the calcium absorption or reproductive tract. Thanks again.
  10. wild chick

    Weird egg, inside & out

    Good to know, thank you!
  11. wild chick

    Weird egg, inside & out

    I have a 6 year old hen, laid normal eggs until last year, then began laying a roundish egg with a very thin shell. I didn't think much about it but this year it's getting worse, it's almost round with one side flatter than the other, and it has brown spots on the outside and brown "floaters" in...
  12. wild chick

    horse water troughs / drowning

    My last update on this was the thought of the young rooster really being aggressively chasing the youngsters, in lay or not and how they would flee/fly/run from him. After another few years of looking back and learning I'm pretty sure this was the only reason that young hen flew to the top of...
  13. wild chick

    Whole flock gone

    So sorry for your loss. I hope you get some answers and if a necropsy is done, please share the results here with us!
  14. wild chick

    Buckeye Hen growing turkey beard?

    Here's a photo of her in Aug 2021 - I took it to show the spurs she grew that year.
  15. wild chick

    Buckeye Hen growing turkey beard?

    No previous injuries or wounds, no. I've never seen her picking feathers, just normal preening. But I think maybe I have photos of her in previous years where it looks like her feathers are like a cowlick right there, but not like straight hair. This just came in with new feathers after her molt...
  16. wild chick

    Buckeye Hen growing turkey beard?

    This Buckeye hen is 3 1/2 years old. She's been a normal hen, laying etc. Last year she grew small spurs, and had a normal laying this past spring/summer. Went into molt late summer and now seems fully feathered except she has the hair-type bunches of feathers on her breast. They look like a...
  17. wild chick

    Raven killing chickens

    I've still not seen an actual photo or video of a raven killing a chicken. I'm seeing these stories, but no proof. As I said before (pg 3 on this thread) - they aren't in the family of hawks and owls, they don't have beaks to carry a full grown chicken 100 yards and they don't use talons to kill...
  18. wild chick

    What ate this egg?

    No critters can get in the fenced area where the coop is that is skunk/possum size or larger. It is chainlink with hot wire from 3" above the dirt to the top level of the 6' fence. We did this to keep a bobcat from climbing over and that cat hasn't been back in over a year. We have pack rats and...
  19. wild chick

    What ate this egg?

    Is this what an egg looks like when it's been eaten by a chicken, a rat or a snake or something else? I've had chickens for 6 years now and never saw this. I would think if a chicken was going to eat an egg they would not go at the end like that since the egg would be on its side, but maybe I'm...
  20. wild chick

    How do you get a good rooster????

    I haven't read through the 7 pages of comments, but just reading this I thought I'd give my opinion. First chickens ever from a straight run from a hatchery, luckily, close to 50/50 males/females. Chose the best looking cockerel to keep for breeding the hens. He turned into a nightmare. Tried...
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