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  1. MissNutmeg

    Duck Injury, bone exposed

    Hello, I found one of my 6 week old ducklings with a mangled wing. It appears something tried to reach in and grab her but was unable to do so, however she is alert but her wing is a bloody mess and there is a bone protruding. We got the bleeding to stop and she seems to be stabilized after...
  2. MissNutmeg

    Chicken walking backwards! Help!!

    Hello!! I’m sorry to hear this. It’s not fun when the chickies are sick. Would it be possible to attach a photo of her?? Also has this been a more recent occurrence or has she been doing this for a while now?
  3. MissNutmeg

    What does this seem to be?

    Hello!! Sometimes they can get picked on by other chickens and over time they can go a little bald in those places so to speak! May I ask if any of your other chickens have the same thing?
  4. MissNutmeg

    Pendulous crop 1 yr plus, and sour crop

    Hey!! I’m sorry you have to deal with this! It’s not fun when the chookies are sick. May I ask how long this has been going on?
  5. MissNutmeg


    Good evening everyone! It has been years since I’ve been able to log back in and touch base with this wonderful community!! I decided to branch out and get ducklings today and I would like just some tips or suggestions of what y’all normally do to care for them other the basics such as food...
  6. MissNutmeg


    My chicken got attacked by what probably was a fox the other day, I’ve been curious. Chickens cannot get rabies correct?? Also perhaps I may be overthinking, but can it transfer from the wound to a person? Even though it may not be a direct bite so to speak? Let me know y’all’s thoughts 🙂
  7. MissNutmeg


  8. MissNutmeg

    ...just taking a walk down memory lane ♥️♥️ Miss you guys

    ...just taking a walk down memory lane ♥️♥️ Miss you guys
  9. MissNutmeg

    thank you!!! <3

    thank you!!! <3
  10. MissNutmeg


  11. MissNutmeg

    THANK YOU!! ily <3

    THANK YOU!! ily <3
  12. MissNutmeg

    New homes for Buff Orpington Cockerels in Northern Virginia !!!

    Hey there! I hatched a few BO babies this summer and found out that 3 out of 4 turned out to be lil roos. I am looking for new homes for them as soon as possible, they are relatively tame but they are getting so big so fast! But unfortunately I cannot keep them for long either way, I'm just...
  13. MissNutmeg

    Chicken saddles?

  14. MissNutmeg

    chick emergency

    Yea I meant to say I did actually. Along with a thin mash of chick feed mixed with a tad of nutri drench
  15. MissNutmeg

    Oops: Thread for sharing stupid things you did

    I am ceo of pushing on pull doors. admit it we've all done that at least once in our lives. right? Or is this just me.
  16. MissNutmeg

    chick emergency

    Hey there guys, Haven't been here with problems from my flock for a while which I guess its a good thing. But now I need your advice. So Ive been letting my hen sit on eggs and over the last few days they've been starting to hatch. two hatched just fine but today the third hatched, hardly...
  17. MissNutmeg

    Wow face reveal You so gorgeous. <3

    Wow face reveal You so gorgeous. <3
  18. MissNutmeg

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    Loki my dude!! What new? My existence has involved new adult responsibilities and the like. Scary stuff
  19. MissNutmeg

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    It really has been a while. :(
  20. MissNutmeg

    Troyergals Chat Thread!!!

    Hello ol friends
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