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  1. ZaneyMama

    First chicken death - so sad, no warning - what do I do w/ the chicken

    We just had the same thing happen with one of our hens. My 4 year old son found her at the bottom of the coop sitting there. He laughed at first because he thought she was broody at on the ground of the coop. Then I realized she was dead and I just told him and described it to her. We have...
  2. ZaneyMama

    Runner Ducks

    There are the cutest ducklings at the local store - Indian Runner Ducks! I have 8 chickens and am new to ducks, but I would love to have some for eggs if its feasible. Can ducks and chickens live in the same coop? Ducks don't roost, right? Do they sleep on the floor? Thanks for any info!
  3. ZaneyMama

    Which pyrethrin spray for chickens?

    My chickens have mites and I need to treat them. I don't want to use carbaryl (Sevin Dust). Which pyrethrin spray can I use on them and where can I get it? I am in Colorado near Boulder - we don't have a big animal supply place near by. Thanks! Sarah
  4. ZaneyMama

    Skinny hens?

    My hens are a little over 14 months old. Recently 2 of them just died (a couple weeks apart) after acting normally the day before. They didn't stop laying and didn't seem to have any problems - we just found them dead on the floor of the coop. I have 8 now and they all seem thin. Their chest...
  5. ZaneyMama

    What killed my hen?

    Can anyone help me? I'm kind of worried about all my hens now.
  6. ZaneyMama

    What killed my hen?

    I found a hen dead this afternoon in the coop. Her head was arched over her back and her legs were out to her side and she was lying on her side inside the coop. She was a year old and hasn't been showing any signs of illness. I had a hen with paralysis a couple months ago that we had put to...
  7. ZaneyMama

    Can a yellow-legged chicken lay blue eggs?

    So cool! She's all grown up. Thanks!
  8. ZaneyMama

    Can a yellow-legged chicken lay blue eggs?

    My 5 month old pullet has started squatting for us and singing the egg song. I have found a couple of really small blue eggs in the egg boxes the last couple of days and I'm wondering if they could be hers. My 9 other hens are 1 year old and lay nice large eggs. She hatched out of a brown...
  9. ZaneyMama

    Hen rubbing her head on the ground and walking backwards! WTHeck?

    I wish I could get a video, but I've only seen this happen 3 times with this one particular hen, my yellow EE hen Polly. Here's my best attempt at describing it: It seems like another hen bothers her and then she sticks her head out and rubs it on the ground, walking backwards quickly while...
  10. ZaneyMama

    Are my HENS trying to mate? PIC

    I have 9 hens who just turned a year old. One barred Rock has started pinning another to the ground and pecking her head so hard she has pulled out half the feathers and made her bloody a few times. Today, I witnessed a RIR HEN doing this: What in the heck are my chickens doing? All of...
  11. ZaneyMama


    I'm not sure - can you take a picture?
  12. ZaneyMama

    Hen has a bloody head from others pecking her!

    I'm going to go clean her up. I don't have blu-kote, I'm not sure where to get it, and the roads are slick and awful from the snow. Is there anything else I can put on her? I'm going to separate her in the coop until it heals up a bit. Anything else I should do? Thanks, Sarah
  13. ZaneyMama

    RIR not walking/ off balance

    I had a chicken doing the exact same thing last week. I finally found a vet who specializes in chickens (Dr. Bill Guerrera at Animal Doctor in Broomfield, CO in case anyone is in Colorado) and he told me there was no sure answer until the necropsy, but he suspects Marek's. First she looked...
  14. ZaneyMama

    Having trouble walking, kind of dizzy - what's the matter? (VIDEO)

    Now she is completely immobile, but I'm not sure what's wrong with her. I did take her to a vet who examined her and didn't find anything externally wrong with her. I think I'll take her to a vet who specializes in chickens just to give her one last chance. I'll keep you all posted!
  15. ZaneyMama

    10 month old Rhode Island Red hens losing feathers

    My 10 month old hen just did the exact same thing. The pin feathers are new feathers coming in and she is molting. She'll look really funny for a while and then back to normal! Mine took about 2 weeks to get back to normal.
  16. ZaneyMama

    Is this bumblefoot? PIC

    I guess I'm just trying to figure out what's keeping her from wanting to stand up. Poor girl.
  17. ZaneyMama

    Is this bumblefoot? PIC

    Well, I soaked the foot and tried prying off the "scab". It seems more like a callous and I wasn't able to pry it off, so maybe it's not bumble foot. It feels hard, but I'm not sure. What should I do?
  18. ZaneyMama

    Lice or Mites - Tried DE and they're still there... What to do?

    Has anyone ever tried Neem oil for mites? I am not going to use synthetic pesticides on her, so I have to find something organic and natural that works. Neem works great for killing bugs in the garden. We don't have that store near us in Boulder, CO.
  19. ZaneyMama

    Is this bumblefoot? PIC

    Thanks Dar, you were too quick! I'll try soaking the foot and see what happens.
  20. ZaneyMama

    Is this bumblefoot? PIC

    I have this hen that I've been keeping inside since she was acting dizzy last week. I took her to the vet and he didn't really know but suspected some sort of trauma. I just looked at the bottom of her foot and saw this: Is this bumblefoot? Can someone point me to a good way to deal with...
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