She never messaged me back, nor was my comment ever posted. My daughter and I walked the subdivision with me doing the turkey call, but never found her. Mildly frustrated that she never responded to me or your comment.
The Ef-2 Manhattan tornado sat it's @SS on my front lawn.
My neighbor on my left has over 18 trees down and fence smashed. Neighbor on right is missing his roof and taking in water. I am missing half of our oak tree and one tree down in back and my baby's trampoline is demolished. Sump pump...
Crest is pointing mostly straight up. Time will see how much up or more forward it will go.
But I can see the lacing. That right there would be a no go for me. I personally have worked hard to have spitzies that have better spangling. My first spitz while proper crested, was extremely dark in...
My feed bill has gone WAY down with the cicadas! I'm inundated with them right now. I can't open/close or push/pull anything without a dozen being on whatever it is I'm using.