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  1. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Best Bait for Raccoons?

    I understand. I had raccoons take out my flock of guineas minus one. We set up a camera along with traps using cat food- cheapest you can find- and were able to catch them. Originally, we thought it was just one, but oh were we surprised. I believe we caught about 8 of them.
  2. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife


    Hello and Welcome to BYC :wee ! You've joined a great site with loads of information and lots of friendly people.
  3. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    New Chick to the party :)

    Hello and Welcome to BYC :wee! So glad you could join us here. You've joined a great site with lots of friendly people and loads of helpful advice. Where are you located? Can't wait to see pictures of the animals on your farm!
  4. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Raccoon attack! Help!

    Definitely trap the raccoons. We had the same problem-raccoons took out all but one guinea and 4 hens-with one rooster barely escaping. If you don't trap them, they will definitely come back day after day and week after week. It took us a few weeks to trap them.
  5. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Rooster ate foam tape weather stripping!!

    Oh noooo!!! I hope he can pass it. Is there a way to staple the weather stripping to prevent this from happening again?
  6. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    I have lots of chickens sneezing tonight, watery/foamy eyes.

    Do you have enough ventilation in your coop? Hope your girl gets better soon. Please keep us posted.
  7. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Egg laying Poll ( please check out!!!)

    I voted, but I had to cheat and look up the average age of Orpingtons for laying. I was so excited :celebrateto get eggs (as this was my first time owning chickens), I don't even remember- that was 4 years ago. I need to do better!!!
  8. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Metal corrugated roof! Ugh...

    Hmmmm...I would be very upset. Have you ever seen his set-up?
  9. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife


    Whatever they are, they're very cute! Hope you can figure out what breed they are...good luck!
  10. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    My survival rooster Story

    Oh noooo...that looks painful. I can certainly understand your pain. A raccoon attacked one of my roosters and took out all four of my girls. He looked horrible following the attack. He is finally back to himself with minimal scarring, but he will allow me to put my hand in his cage to feed him...
  11. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    coop fire

    I'm so sorry for your loss :hit. Praying that your girls that survived the fire will be okay.
  12. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    coop fire

    Great information shared!
  13. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Our 3rd egg-bound hen

    Oh no...sorry to hear this. Hope you can figure out what is causing this. I had a girl that was like that about a week ago. I brought her in and gave her a warm epsom salt bath and she was able to lay her egg. Kept her in for a few days before returning her to the coop. She's been fine since...
  14. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    New member, newly chicken obsessed

    Hello and welcome to BYC :wee! You've joined an amazing site with wonderful people and a wealth of information. I vote yes to a rooster. I have 6 roosters- one was not so friendly at one time, but I think he now knows who is boss. I still watch him closely when I go into the pen and coop. My...
  15. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Chicken poo

    I dump mine in my garden area and use it in my compost pile.
  16. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Review by 'SimplyLivinthatFarmLife' in article 'Accessorizing Your Run- How to Make Your Run More Fun For Your Chickens'

    Great idea with the apple. I've hung cabbage before, but never thought to hang an apple. Thanks for sharing!
  17. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife

    Raccoon attack! Bad wing injury need advice

    Be sure to set traps for the raccoons. We had the same problem this summer. They were able to get all of my guineas except one.
  18. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife


    Oops I said I use river sand in my coops...not true...I use river sand in my runs and it works great. I either rake or scoop the poop. It dries quickly and there are no smells. I use pine shavings in my coops and typically clean them once or twice a year.
  19. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife


    I use river sand in my coops and it works well.
  20. SimplyLivinthatFarmLife


    What a great idea to use a shop vac. My coops are all very dusty!!!
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