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  1. RockwaterFarm

    Rockwaterfarms Member Page

    Hi and welcome to the Rock Water Farm BYC page. We currently have 30 chickens. The breeds include: Barred Rock, Cochin, Cochin Frizzle, Rhode Island Red, New Hampshire Red, Cornish Rock, Sex link Red, Cuckoo Maran, Brahma, White and Cornish, Buff Orpington and Americauna. We also have 11ducks...
  2. RockwaterFarm

    Keeping ducks drinking water

    I give them fresh water in the morning and another 5 gallons of fresh water when i get home. The reason its dirty is because they clen their mouths out with the water, so i figured if it was in their mouth before, what harm could it do them now
  3. RockwaterFarm

    "Land Geese"

    My ducks and one goose have to go through m dogs and about 100 yards of field to get to my neighbors pond. I didnt even show them either. I was coming up the road on day and saw all my ducks sitting in the water.
  4. RockwaterFarm

    Little Giant Hatch Along

    I have 32 in my LG, but the temp. keeps rising and dipping constantly. I have a digital thermometer in there now, i just dont know if its right. About 2 minutes ago it was at 100.6 degrees, now it at 98 degrees. Im definitley either getting a fan or new incubator the next time i hatch.
  5. RockwaterFarm

    What are you doing at THIS exact moment?

    Looking at my incubator trying to figure out why the temperature isnt staying constant after almost a week of being perfect. Frustrating!!!
  6. RockwaterFarm

    Spurs almost grown back into roosters leg

    You just have to be careful not to cut the quick, it would be kinda hard though cause you would have to cut a lot off. I just cut the tip so there was no pain or blood. Quick and easy.
  7. RockwaterFarm

    when to give a duck a bath

    I just mine in an empty sink and let it fill up beneath them. They know what to do already.
  8. RockwaterFarm

    Trying to do the spring cleaning of my duck "shed" coop..

    Quote: Im right there with ya, i have a concrete part i clean eveyday, then the othe half is wood pellets i take out once a year. Probabaly takes my 30 minutes to take all the pellets, well saw dust by now, and replace it with new stuff. I definitley recommend cleaning everday if you can. Only...
  9. RockwaterFarm

    Yay! We're Flooded!! **Pic Heavy**

    The same thing happens to my backyard when it rains hard or the snow melts. The ducks love it, the only "pond" theyve ever seen
  10. RockwaterFarm

    Chicken bit by dog (Graphic Pixs)

    This happened to my duck in almost the same exact area. In fact i didnt even know about it until i picked her up. I just let it be, it wasnt dirty. i just checked on it everyday. If you want to help her put some healing cream on it, gauze and if you have it, wrap it in hockey tape. Hockey tape...
  11. RockwaterFarm

    One of my hens has Infectious Brochitis or Laryngotracheitis?Which one

    Yeah my bantam are usually in a small a-frame coop, but since the winters been so bad i couldnt let them out. I built them a pen in the duck area of the barn. What i thought caused the I.B. was the condition they were in, the area is dirt and when the snow melted it goes right into the barn and...
  12. RockwaterFarm

    Question on Roosters

    With my experience if to roosters grow up together, then they will be best friends, and you can even put a new rooster with another rooster, it just takes a little while. They have to have little supervised playdates.
  13. RockwaterFarm

    One of my hens has Infectious Brochitis or Laryngotracheitis?Which one

    well shes fine again, i guess she just had a piece of feed stuck in her throat, i dont know .... it kinda of went away slowly, at nught it was everytime she breathed it sounded weird, then in the morning it was when ever the talkled, and know shes back to normal.
  14. RockwaterFarm

    One of my hens has Infectious Brochitis or Laryngotracheitis?Which one

    I just walked out to my barn to find a weird noise coming from the inside. it alsmost sounded like a cat was crying. Well i walked over to where my bantams were to find it was coming from my white Frizzle. She was breathing very weird, almost like she was trying to whistle, ,like a peice of food...
  15. RockwaterFarm

    What is the trick or thing that your coop has?

    My uncle has guinie pigs with chickens and they seem fine.
  16. RockwaterFarm

    Muscovy keepers share your pics!

    Quote: If my ducks got near one of my dogs my dog would kill them in a second. theyve learned to stay away and if they get trapped they will usually wait till i come out and they follow my back to the barn
  17. RockwaterFarm

    Girl Scout Gold Award project-egg charity, SE CT

    I live in Northern Ct and always have extra eggs, i just dont know who to give them to.
  18. RockwaterFarm

    Rooster badly beaten in a fight with another Rooster!!

    Its a GREAT idea. ive nursed countless roosters back to health after they got in fights. Just basically do what you would do if he were a child. wash it, bandage it, change bandages, the whole 9 yards. Chickens though are a little tougher than humans sothey heal quicker and better. Good Luck.
  19. RockwaterFarm

    How do you hold/pick up a chicken?

    Ive actually made it so when my Leghorn sees me coming shell stop and let me pick her up. I held her a lot when i got her cause sh was my first leghorn. And when i put her with my other flock they pecked at her, made her bleed and b the time i got out to see her, half of her wing was gone and...
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