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  1. Sinful chick

    Do chickens get lonely or depressed ?

    I can only handle one! Haha!! I’d have millions, if I could!!! I’ll have to check around locally! Thanks SO much!
  2. Sinful chick

    Do chickens get lonely or depressed ?

    I’m a little embarrassed to say...IDK...I never asked. Let me find a pic...I would love to know!! (Man, I feel so stupid! )
  3. Sinful chick

    Do chickens get lonely or depressed ?

    Excellent! Needed to hear that! I’m by myself, so there’s no way I’d let them “hash it out” with no one to help me break them up, if it got ugly. I haven’t tried yet. As it is now, Bob “rushes the cage that lil Chuck is in, like he REALLY wants to get him!! Bob even attacked me twice, as I was...
  4. Sinful chick

    Do chickens get lonely or depressed ?

    I have 5 “normal sized chickens”, one being Big Bob...the “self-proclaimed” King. I adopted a Bantam Roo about 2 months ago. I love “Chuck” to death, but of corse Bob could easily eat him as an appetizer. I have no choice (or do I?) but to have him in a pen, by himself, while the others...
  5. Sinful chick

    Need to explain the “birds and the bees...definitely!

    I have to share this with you. I SWEAR this just happened last week. The daughter of an old friend of mine dropped by to say “Hello”...she’s a very sweet, good looking 20 year old, BUT not the brightest crayon in the crayon box, if you know what I mean. Anyway she saw my little flock, and I...
  6. Sinful chick

    Can spurs be clipped?

    Oh, no! I’m fine! (And so is Bob, thank God!) I am going to give his spurs a trim...but he is already in a “restricted “ area. My backyard has a sign I posted on both gates: “No Trespassing “. My son’s girlfriend knew better...just thought she’d try it anyway. We all had a long talk and they...
  7. Sinful chick

    Can spurs be clipped?

    Yes...the funny part is that he’s 22 years old, but runs from Bob like a little girl! (Great entertainment for me! ❤️)
  8. Sinful chick

    Can spurs be clipped?

    My Roo, Bobby, just attacked my son’s girlfriend. I am the ONLY person he won’t mess with, and my son is , needless to say, pretty mad. He doesn’t have a clue how someone could actually like, (much less love), a chicken. I’m terrified he might retaliate, though I don’t think he would. He knows...
  9. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    I did it!!! I found a BYC in San Antonio!! These people are nice and welcoming, too! Just like everyone here!!! I’m going in the right direction!!! Thanks, everybody!!
  10. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    I’m all over that!! Let’s see what I come up with! My Bobby is saying a chicken prayer....
  11. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    Wow! That sounds so easy! My 3 kids free/range all day. They go to bed by 730, at the latest, and I let them out around 9am. I don’t have an actual “coop”... I have my utility room “rigged with roosts and it seems to be ok for the past year. There is ventilation, but not enough to make me feel...
  12. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    You’re absolutely right!!!
  13. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    That sounds so perfect, but because I AM computer illiterate, How do I find a group? Google it? (I do know how to do that....) honest question....(duh?)
  14. Sinful chick

    What to do with chickens when on vacation?

    I have almost the exact problem. I’m going to an out of town wedding for 4 days, and I have NO ONE to take care of my 3 kiddos! How would I find out if there’s a “local branch” of BYC ? I know I would LOVE to help a fellow chicken person if they were in my position...and I’m sure there’s...
  15. Sinful chick

    Comment by 'Sinful chick' in article 'Making the Tough Calls - Difficult but Essential'

    Happy tears; sad tears...can’t decide! BUT sweet tears for the feather-babies we love! Excellent!!!
  16. C48E6BEC-C12F-4627-B2D4-6F4E0903D8BD


  17. What I’d tell Cooper...

    What I’d tell Cooper...

    What’s been going on since you’re gone.
  18. Sinful chick

    After a year of keeping chickens, I can’t see life without them.

    I am SO happy for you!!!...jealous, but happy!!!
  19. Sinful chick

    Can/should you splint possible broken leg?

    Well, it wasn’t fun trying to get Steph out of her “confinement” with an extremely upset Bob yelling at me from behind! I am ashamed to say I actually had to grab a broom to keep him away from me. He’s only shown aggressive behavior towards ME once, and that way WAY back when! Anyway, I kept him...
  20. Sinful chick

    Can/should you splint possible broken leg?

    Wow!! Thanks! To answer a couple of questions, yes, same hen, sorry! Thought I deleted it, so I tried again! I have her in a big cage, in the coop next to the other two. (I felt guilty..her being alone...) when was the last time she laid? Ha! On my bed this afternoon while I was in process of...
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