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  1. Mountain_artist

    Scaly leg--how long until Ivermectin works?

    Update! It's now Sunday morning and Neptune is walking around just fine! So, to answer my own question, it took 3-4 days for the pain to go away, or at least abate enough to get rid of her limp. She actually charged at me and ran right out when I opened the coop! I literally did nothing besides...
  2. Mountain_artist

    Scaly leg--how long until Ivermectin works?

    My TS was out of NuStock cream--that was my first choice, but it was easy to talk myself into the ivermectin just because that's what TS had and it involved far fewer applications. Rounding them up last night to put the drops on nearly killed me lol! 2 hens do not want to be caught! I can take...
  3. Mountain_artist

    Scaly leg--how long until Ivermectin works?

    I thought that might be the case too at first, but I really checked her out good and couldn't find any other injury, hot spot, sore, or anything. She is really big so I actually thought she might have sprained it or something---her general way of moving around is always really clunky and...
  4. Mountain_artist

    Scaly leg--how long until Ivermectin works?

    I know it takes a long time for the scales to improve/shed/molt/heal, but is that what's making her limp? I thought the mites tunnel into the legs and that causes the pain. I don't know what I'm doing though lol! I just want her to feel better. She is a gigantic black sex link and I feel bad...
  5. Mountain_artist

    Scaly leg--how long until Ivermectin works?

    One of my 4 hens, Neptune, started limping on Tuesday. I noticed she had the beginnings of scaly leg mites. I've never dealt with that before, but I saw some scale separation and the limping foot looked slightly swollen. I checked the other 3 hens and one more showed some slight scale separation...
  6. Mountain_artist

    Can a solo hen be ok?

    Would a new rooster do anything positive to their dynamic? Or is that a whole other complicated mess? We are roo-free so far.
  7. Mountain_artist

    Can a solo hen be ok?

    What if she were in a "look but don't touch" setup with the rest of the flock? She could sleep in her own spot and during the day, she'd have her own spot in the run with a fence separating it from the others. Would this meet her social requirement? I really see her being rotten to any new...
  8. Mountain_artist

    Can a solo hen be ok?

    Those are great suggestions, and maybe this is a bit of karma for her because when we got the 4 sexlinks, she tried to kill them! All the other hens accepted them into the flock after lots of careful introduction using advice from these fora, but the hen in question, Chickpea, totally evil to...
  9. Mountain_artist

    Can a solo hen be ok?

    Hi, I have 7 hens--3 are 3 y.o. Barred Rocks and 4 are black sex links that were new in March. Short story: Can a bullied-to-near-death hen live a happy life alone, separated from the rest of the flock? Long story: One of my Barred Rocks was attacked by a predator last year and injured...
  10. Mountain_artist

    Other chickens being mean to a chicken

    I have the same situation. One of my hens is getting picked on so bad I had to isolate her. She was trembling in the coop hiding from everyone and wouldn't eat or drink. She was molting at the time so I figured she'd go back to normal after the molt, but now she's done and it's still going on...
  11. Mountain_artist

    Moulting differently?

    Hi there, Do different hens moult differently? I have 3 barred rocks that are 3 years old. One was attacked by a coyote a year and a half ago and nearly died, but we stitched her up and provided intense medical care and she lived! Although she lays eggs again, she really hasn't been "right"...
  12. Mountain_artist

    Raising store bought chicks with existing flock

    That's really helpful! We are on a similar track. We have 3x 3 year old barred rocks in a coop that's pretty big for 3 hens. (We had 4, but Mr. Hawk paid one a visit.) We have a very large secure run too. We just bought 4 tiny rock red pullets yesterday. Right now, they are brooding indoors, but...
  13. Mountain_artist

    Oh crap, what have I done ...

    The other thing nobody has brought up is that she's getting like 1 of each kind of bird. Maxing out the space and having so many different breed personalities is a recipe for conflict. If she were keeping 4 of the same type of hen in there, and a hen known to be calm, that's one thing. But I've...
  14. Mountain_artist

    Adult hen dropping eggs from roost

    Hi, I have 4 barred rock hens who have been laying for over a year. All summer, I've gotten 4 eggs a day from them. For the past two weeks, I've only been getting 3 in the nest, and I find one cracked in the poop under the roost! This has happened to at least a dozen eggs in the past two weeks...
  15. Mountain_artist

    eggs change colors after injury?

    Hi, Last month I posted here when a coyote *badly* injured one of my barred rocks, Chickpea. We didn't think she was going to make it. Her side was ripped completely open and her vent and tail were chewed raw and open. My doctor friend sewed her up and we gave her antibiotic shots and she has...
  16. Mountain_artist

    Locking chickens in coop vs leaving access to run?

    We have a Fort Knox coop/run due to the presence of every manner of predator, and we still close the pop door to the coop at night. My husband got tired of opening it first thing in the morning and closing it at night, so he bought a solar automatic door opener and closer (sorry, I don't know...
  17. Mountain_artist

    Pecking order after injury

    Do you all think the new aggression is also being made worse by being cooped up when they had free-ranged before the attack? My husband is going to build an addition to the run with some simple fencing, but it won't be as protective as the existing coop/run, and will still be a far cry from 2...
  18. Mountain_artist

    Pecking order after injury

    Thanks for the answers everybody! My main concern is keeping Chickpea safe while she is healing, while not isolating her too much that integration becomes an even bigger problem. I definitely want to discourage Venus's bullying of Chickpea and ME!! I did put the other low-order hen in the...
  19. Mountain_artist

    Chicken was attacked by canine, what to do next?

    We do already have two feeding stations, but they are right next to each other. I added separate food and water for Chickpea in the "sun porch." But it's a mess, and I can't fit under there to clean it up as well as I'd like. Venus is the next-biggest hen, and she actually runs up to me and...
  20. Mountain_artist

    Chicken was attacked by canine, what to do next?

    That is great advice about checking her crop...I did that last night and found hers was a bit smaller than the others, and our next biggest girl is bullying her badly now, chasing her away from the food and water. I isolated her back in the sun porch, but now the other one, Venus, is also...
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