My chicken is dying and I don’t know what to do. We found her on the bottom of the coop, laying on her side. She barely seemed to be alive. I checked her over and she doesn’t have any visible injuries, but does have diarrhea and I removed a Bumblefoot corn. But she seems thin and won’t even open...
Hi fellow chicken people! I have a somewhat emergency situation that I was hoping to get some advice on.
A local chicken mom is being forced to rehome her 5 bantams approx 5 months old each (she believes that two are not yet laying). Her town does not permit Chickens, and clearly there is a...
I'm fairly new to backyard chickens. I have my first flock as of April 2018. There are two ~9 month old silkies and three ~5 month old large fowl. One of my sweet silkie girls has gone broody. From everything I read, a broody chicken is mean and will 'growl' and snap at you. But this girl does...
You'd be surprised to know that not only do they allow hens, but you can have roosters, ducks, geese, quail, goats, bees... just about anything you can think of is not only allowed, but you don't even need permits. Just be a good neighbor, and no problems!
I'm having the same problem over here!! So, I didn't think my Chihuahua ate chicken poop. Never noticed him eating it before, but the dumb dog eats his own poo if given the opportunity so I wouldn't be surprised if I caught him in the act (he's a former mill dog, aka 'damaged goods' as we kindly...
I am looking to build a run to attach to my coop so my girls get a little more freedom during the day. I am thinking it would be about 4' wide and 10 to 12' long. I've looked at some plans online, and see that people are cementing the posts into the ground. I really don't want something that...
So I'm guessing by this weekend I can let the chicks out, because I will be keeping a watchful eye on them always. I only plan on letting them out for an hour or so before sunset, so they can forage and stretch their legs, but put themselves to bed.
Long story short - I picked up 5 new chickens yesterday. Two are 6-month old silkies (they had a large run, but did not free range). Three are 9-week old large fowl (orpington, rhode island red, black star). They are currently in the coop. When would you say it is safe for me to let them venture...
(1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? New to chickens as of yesterday!
(2) How many chickens do you have right now? 5
(3) What breeds do you have? 2 Silky, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Black Star
(4) How did you find out about Google...