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  1. NorthernMIFlock

    Advice Please, 2 broodies/now mamas

    If anyone here has some insight/advice/what worked well for you etc on having 2 new mommas in the coop at the same time. 2 of my hens went broody within about a day of eachother, 1 is a Light Brahma not quite 1 y/o and the other is HER momma an Australorp I think she is turning 2 (and this is...
  2. NorthernMIFlock

    Please help!! Two broody hens and 2 dead chicks

    Sorry to hear about your losses, it’s so hard 🙁. What type of hens are your broodies? It’s going to be hard to give advice for the future without knowing what your coop set up is like, are there other laying hens in with the broody, where is the nest they chose to sit etc. I get a broody every...
  3. NorthernMIFlock

    Emergency Broody Hen

    I agree to allow her to go in and out freely. He flock mates won’t mess with her because they don’t lay their eggs there and she will prob screech at them if they get too close. Keep us posted!
  4. NorthernMIFlock

    Emergency Broody Hen

    Has she gone back to eggs? Did you recently move her? I’m confused about her wet butt, like diarrhea? Is her crate always left open so she can get in and out for poop/food/water?
  5. NorthernMIFlock

    Turkey Vultures stalking chicks??

    I honestly never knew there was a difference. Thank you for this info. We have a flock guardian dog but he was napping in the house at they time 😕. Im just super impressed with the broody momma, she put up a good fight for those babies, her feathers were all over the area.
  6. NorthernMIFlock

    HELP did my broody reject my chicks? what can I do?

    I have done chick adoption several times now, with first time Mom’s and experienced ones. The trick is to make sure you put the babies under her butt so she will only feel them, not see them, they’ll crawl under her near where her eggs are. If she sees them first, she will think they're after...
  7. NorthernMIFlock

    Turkey Vultures stalking chicks??

    I am wondering if anyone has ever lost a chick to a vulture. We are in very rural northern MI and 2 days ago my husband saw a vey large black bird hanging out by our coop and run. Later that day, my son witnessed that same large black bird (4ish foot wing span) smack its wings on the ground and...
  8. NorthernMIFlock

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    Wow, that’s going to be a big age difference for your hatching chicks. If it were me, I would have a brooder and heat source waiting just in case. Also, for the future I would try to rearrange your nesting area so it’s not so high and make sure other hens aren’t laying eggs in it. Also you...
  9. NorthernMIFlock

    Day 19 Eggs Hatching Accidentally Opened Bator

    Hi, the hatch went OK, out of 9 eggs I had 6 live chicks hatch with no probs, 2 late quitters, 1 stuck in egg that had a leg deformity that we ended up culling 😢. incubating eggs was one of the most stressful things I’ve ever done. I did get a full refund for the cheap bator tho, I may try...
  10. NorthernMIFlock

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    Looks like a cozy place to brood, but not the best for babies. It looks like a big enough space to fence off to keep the babies safe, and maybe put food and water up there till the rest of the eggs hatch? With your staggered hatch situation, wondering if you could try to candle the remaining...
  11. NorthernMIFlock

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    Oh my how sweet! Is momma taking care of this chick or still sitting on eggs? If the ramp is very tiny they might be able to do it, but it’s too tiny to navigate a ramp to a tall nest box. Can you move them to a safe dog crate on the floor? I have never separated my broody mommas from the flock...
  12. NorthernMIFlock

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    Yes, both of my first timers did well and their brooding for the unhatched eggs was good.
  13. NorthernMIFlock

    Should I move my broody hen to hatch her chicks?

    My broody hens always choose the high and most popular nest to set for 21 days. I always worry about braking their broodiness, especially when I know the eggs are so developed. It’s kind of a pain, but on day 19-20 I make a cardboard “fence” around her nest-she can still get out if needed, but...
  14. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    That’s awesome! Little surprise 🐣
  15. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    How adorable! Was the new baby the one jumping on her back? She looks bigger than my week olds already. So happy things worked out well 🥰
  16. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    How are things going today for the chick/eggs?
  17. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    Yes for sure good info! I have to comment on your profile pic, Great Pyrenees? We have a 3 year old GP, best flock guardian ever! ❤️
  18. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    How old are the other chicks? Sometimes if there’s a big gap, the little one won’t be able to keep up and compete for food and water. If it were me, I would have a back up plan to brood them yourself
  19. NorthernMIFlock

    It hatched! Now what to do??? Please help. urgent

    Sounds like a good plan. You can give the new baby some chick crumbles and offer water so it will be a pro when it gets to a momma. Some hens just don’t make good mommas 😕. Good luck with everything!!
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