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  1. floppysquirrel04

    Broken wing, shoulder joint. Amputate?

    Also, usually they know to stay out of the dog run if the dogs are out lol. The dogs are basically 100% trustworthy around chickens when they're loose and I'm around, this is a pretty freak occurrence
  2. floppysquirrel04

    Broken wing, shoulder joint. Amputate?

    Greetings all, One of my young pullets was either stepped on or (more likely) attacked by a dog. If they wander into the fenced dog run they're fair game so I expect this is dog inflicted. Anyway, the break seems to be on the upper humerus/shoulder joint-not sure if there's a particular name...
  3. floppysquirrel04

    Comment by 'floppysquirrel04' in article 'At Home Remedy For Water Belly'

    Do you have any documented cases where this will help a chicken with an already distended abdomen without draining?
  4. floppysquirrel04

    Rooster aggressive to care helper

    They’re also used to getting let out 3-4 times a week so I also think he’s pretty grumpy about having so stay in while I’m gone. Hopefully he’ll get used to it a little more too.
  5. floppysquirrel04

    Rooster aggressive to care helper

    Thank you all for all the replies. I think the tennis racket is a great idea and we’ll try that. It’s a big walk in coop area and in the corner there is an 8’x4’ brooder room with wire on the sides and I might just keep him in that while I’m away on trips if he doesn’t get better and figure out...
  6. floppysquirrel04

    Rooster aggressive to care helper

    Hi all! My mottled Houdan roo Shamu has a guess been being pretty aggressive around my friend who has been watching them while I’m out of town. I’ve never had a problem with him. He’s super gentle with my hens and respects me and will eat out of my hands even. He’s a super great boy most of the...
  7. floppysquirrel04

    Chicken with swollen "knee" - limping

    Did her leg ever heal? I am asking because my BLRW has had the same issue for almost 2 months now and I feel like I've tried everything except a vet, which I am seriously considering now.
  8. floppysquirrel04

    Young hen limping

    Were you able to figure out what was wrong?
  9. floppysquirrel04

    Pullet with swollen joint; limping

    Hi all. I made a similar post a while back about this same bird but I wanted to make another to see if anyone else would chime in. I have a 4 month old BLRW pullet whose hock (knee?) joint is swollen and she limps around on it. I did Aspirin in her water for 3-4 days about a month ago but that...
  10. floppysquirrel04

    Swollen hock on 3 month old pullet

    I had her in a kennel in the coop for a while but I ended up just letting her out a couple days ago because she needed exercise and she was pretty sad
  11. floppysquirrel04

    Swollen hock on 3 month old pullet

    Not yet... she still eats and drinks and gets around fine and it’s a little less swollen, but not fully better. I actually just ordered her aspirin after researching how to dose it in their water.
  12. floppysquirrel04

    Swollen hock on 3 month old pullet

    No I haven’t. It was pretty sudden, and I can’t see any bruising/cuts and her leg isn’t twisting. It looks normal except for the swelling. I can move her leg around and she can bend her toes, but it’s slower than her other leg. I’m really hoping she’ll get better. Thank you for the help :)
  13. floppysquirrel04

    Swollen hock on 3 month old pullet

    Sorry, I meant to upload these with my earlier post. The kennel is still in the coop so she is still with my flock. No swelling anywhere else. I will try to get vitamin B, thanks!
  14. floppysquirrel04

    Swollen hock on 3 month old pullet

    Hi all! I have a BLRW pullet who should almost 3 months now, and she has a super swollen hock. I noticed her limping a little bit a few days ago but I couldn’t find anything wrong with her leg so I assumed she just jumped off something and landed funny. It seemed to get better, but today her...
  15. floppysquirrel04

    Niacin deficiency?

    He didn’t make it, unfortunately. We kept giving him the vitamin E capsules, and rooster booster in his water, but he slowly got wry neck and was just suffering. He didn’t seem sick or in pain, but he could stand, and he couldn’t eat or drink on his own because of his neck. We ended up having to...
  16. floppysquirrel04

    Timed feedings using deer feeder! It’s great!

    does it fling food all over the place or just drop it? can you control how much they get each day? how expensive is the feeder? trying to find a solution like this for vacations
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