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  1. shaw613

    Isabel Brahma breeding

    Hi all ... I have isabel brahmas I purchased a couple years ago from a breeder. The rooster is lavender split to partridge, and the hen I have this year is a beautiful isabel that I hatched last year from him this rooster and a hen that I no longer have. This female has beautiful feathering...
  2. shaw613

    Brinsea Ovation 56 EX humidity

    I've been running mine nonstop since January at 45-48 and it hasn't wavered. I hatch in a hovabator just for space, but I did hatch in the Brinsea last year. For incubation, I put a piece of paper towel into the well rather than the expensive 'paper'. For hatching, I added water and a damp...
  3. shaw613

    Black split to lavender orpingtons, American stock

    Thanks much ... I have some of their orps as well and absolutely LOVE them ... both chocolate gold laced, blue laced reds and their partridge brahmas. Gorgeous, healthy birds. I reached out to them first .... all their orps are now english. Just because of where I live, I prefer american for...
  4. shaw613

    Black split to lavender orpingtons, American stock

    I'm in the search for some good orpington stock .... not necessarily exhibition type but want to improve my breeder stock lavender orps' feather quality. I'd like to find black splits, either eggs or hatched chicks, or even a good male shipped. Not having much luck rather than english stock...
  5. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    It is about learning ... and for those who want, I do have a few APA colors but not a huge selection. One little guy in particular likes the lavender orps and the splash ameraucanas, which are not, but he can sure show them if that's what he wants to have :). Thanks a bunch! The biggest rule...
  6. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    I can't imagine why not, now that I know the local 4H show is not an APA show ... for a dual purpose bird that the kids could show and sell at auction, the extension agent said it would be fine here in our small county fair. They have to weigh 5 lbs at fairtime, and I believe that's workable.
  7. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    Follow up just because .... our local fair is not an apa show, so the kids can show dp/layer breeds that are not APA colors. So they can show my splashes and lavenders that they wanted. Yay.
  8. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    Thanks ... I've talked with both the superintendent and the extension agent here and neither really know much about anything other than the ordinary breeds. I'll just advise the kid in particular to raise a few cornish for the market sale and show the apa breeds that I have :). Appreciate it...
  9. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    Kind of what I thought ... it's either cornish cross for meat here, or layers. Thank you
  10. shaw613

    Bresse in 4H shows?

    I've had several 4H kids contact me for birds to show at our county fair. While I don't have many honestly that are APA colors for them to choose from, I do have some Bresse babies. Would they be able to show them in the meat bird or dual purpose categories?? I don't know a thing about...
  11. shaw613

    Exhibition type australorp chicks?

    Looking for some Australorps suitable for local 4H shows. While I have stock, they're hatchery girls and I've had several young kids asking for birds to show. would like better stock for myself as well.
  12. shaw613

    Silver Penciled Rock Chicks?

    Thank you ... the hens I got from McMurray several years ago were the first I bought. They have very good size, but a lot of brown in their feather patterns. I have hens I got from Dick Horstman last spring; they are just 'nicer' birds. I'm looking for a second line for breeding. I'll look...
  13. shaw613

    Silver Penciled Rock Chicks?

    I'm looking for some nice, non hatchery Silver Penciled Rocks. I've purchased from both Meyer and mcMurray and they don't have what I'm looking for.
  14. shaw613

    Silver Penciled Rocks ... which pattern is correct?

    I have two distinct types of Silver Penciled Rocks. The first (right photo) have a much more defined penciling and their legs are more of the 'dusky yellow'. Much more black and white. The most recent group have a much more soft penciling, yellow legs, which I know is correct and a beautiful...
  15. shaw613

    Fermented Feed in the Winter

    Maggie DDG is dry distiller grains. There's an ethanol plant not too far from us (NE Colorado) and we use all the spent corn from the process. Cattle feeders in particular feed it; the carbs are spent in the distillery process and the remains are higher in protein than corn. While I don't...
  16. shaw613

    Fermented Feed in the Winter

    At the moment, I soak feed overnight and am considering fermenting it. I have a large flock, and buy 1500lb totes from a feed mill nearby. I use a 20% all flock that includes wheat, milo, protein pellets, ddg, corn. and it changes monthly depending on the grain markets and cost. I've found...
  17. shaw613

    Fermented Feed in the Winter

    Has anyone tried putting a heater base under their soaked/fermented feed in winter? I'm thinking about trying it ... I have a large flock, and I'm finding they gobble up the soaked feed very quickly and then I feed them again early evening. I'd like it to not freeze overnight while it's...
  18. shaw613

    Processed roosters turned dark in the freezer!

    Thanks so much. I've raised both cornish and rangers for the freezer in the past, and I've had roosters processed in the same place and they weren't anything like this. However, I'lll say some of these were pretty active males and I did crate them a little more crowded (I needed one more...
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