I'm kind of really thrown for a loop here. I was going this afternoon to potentially buy a few new breeders for my meat rabbits. Localish, not quite the breeds or colors I was looking for, but available. It's been about a week of back and forth to get a time set due to conflicting schedules...
Been busy and work too much. Had too many coons get things this year. Caught and disposed of 2 seperate families. Anyway, this last group got hold of my broody who was sitting on a clutch of green 2nd gen EE eggs, sired by my new Roo a Chocolate Cuckoo Orp. 5 survived to be incubated and...
I use a local soy free feed for my birds. Well this year there has been a $10 a bag price jump on the 21% chick feed. I will be doing a run of 50 in the fall. I have access to free goat cheese whey, I want to order the 18% feed and soak it in whey to up the protein and save $$. Anyone done this?
I'm building a walk in tunnel for my broccoli this year. Pvc or emt? What do you guys think? Emt will last years and keep it's form. Pvc is cheap and bendy but not really uv stable.
I posted originally because it looked tacky and had no purpose being the 1st thing people see when opening BYC. Using the fakes sends a message, and not a good one.
Edited for language
I dillydallied on if I was doing a run of Meatbirds this year, and now my preferred hatchery is out of stock. Any recs on a hatchery with cheapish prices on 50 CX for a fall run?
Because it looks tacky? And obviously fake? There are hundreds of pictures on this site from the photo contests that the admin already have permission to use.
Can we keep the obvious Ai pictures at least off the main page? I know it will be hard to police overall, but there are So many great real pictures of actual chicks and chickens to choose from.