That sounds good. Also, when my chickens don’t want to eat I mix water with their feed. They love it and it keeps them hydrated so it’s a double win. I’d try giving him some of that if he isn’t eating well.
Hey welcome to BYC!
I’m sorry for the loss of your hens. That’s really unfortunate. How long ago was it? If it wasn’t that long ago, I’d probably just wait it out. If it’s been a while, and he’s still refusing to interact with the other chickens, then I don’t think there’s much you can do...
Have you tried posting on your state chat thread?
Good luck finding them a home!
Try posting on your state chat thread, maybe you can find some ppl there!
Wish you the best of luck!
For the mixed breed roos, I would charge the same amount for a rotisserie chicken. (ppl mostly buy roos for meat)
You can charge up to $20 for a good laying hen, but less for a pure breed rooster.
TSC sells chicks for $3-5, so maybe a little more for older chicks.
It really all depends on how...