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  1. piminuse

    Fibro cockerel in PDX, OR area

    Prunie is still looking for a forever home! He's an ayam cemani/mosaic mix clocking in at 3.5 months, still hasn't found his voice, but is turning into a romantic dynamo by tid bitting for the ladies. Blue earlobes are starting to become more prominent and the photos don't do his beetle-green...
  2. piminuse

    How many chickens can you have?

    As per the last time the ordinance was discussed in 2013 "There, an unlimited number of chickens and roosters can be kept in structures over 50 square feet that are 30 feet from a property line and 100 feet from a neighbor’s dwelling." We have a fluctuating number of birds, but 6-8 layers is...
  3. piminuse


    Welcome! You're in my neck of the woods if you ever need help/have questions on your (future) birds.
  4. piminuse

    Fibro cockerel in PDX, OR area

    I let my sister-in-law keep one chick from our last fibro project hatch and it ended up being a handsome young cockerel. This is Prunie. He's not attempted crowing yet, likes hanging out on shoulders and is free to a good home. Beaverton area. Willing to drive to surrounding area to rehome.
  5. piminuse


    I let my sister-in-law keep one chick from our last fibro project hatch and it ended up being a handsome young cockerel. This is Prunie. He's not attempted crowing yet, likes hanging out on shoulders and is free to a good home. Beaverton area. Willing to drive to surrounding area to rehome.
  6. piminuse

    Official BYC Poll: How Do You Chicken-Proof Your Garden?

    We put up a makeshift 4' chicken wire fence around the perimeter of our garden this last season. It was more to keep the dogs out as they are cucumber and tomato thieves, but it worked nicely for the birds as well since they usually tear at the greens. We put pots along the perimeter and grow...
  7. piminuse

    Fibro barn mixes--sex link?

    Not 100%, but I know barring or white spots on the head tend to show up on male mixes.
  8. piminuse

    Fibro barn mixes--sex link?

    We've finally had enough sunshine to warrant some outside exploration in PDX. @PDXJULES I'm hoping your birds are enjoying this week's nice weather 😊 We ended up keeping 3 of the 14 hatched. Below are Mosaic x Buff O, Barnevelder and either Barbezieux or ACxLH.
  9. piminuse


    Update: I had too good of a hatch rate and now I have too many babies! Husband says I can only keep a few, so I have at least 9 straight run mutts in need of adoption. Mosaic roo (in pic above) regularly flirts with Barnevelder, Mosaic, ACxLH, Buff Orpington, Marans and Barbezieux, so these...
  10. piminuse

    Handsome Mosaic stud looking for new ladies to romance in PDX

    This is Leo, a 9mo Mosaic Roo from Gold Feather Farms. He ended up not making the cut for my pens, but is still a serviceable gentlemen for a new coop and is 100% free to anyone in the PDX area. Not a big fan of red clothes/shoes and will chest bump to show his disapproval of your attire...
  11. piminuse


    Anyone in the market for fibro birds? I have some project AC x LH hens and a Mosaic rooster I'm looking to rehome. Hens are beautiful, but too flighty for my liking and should be somewhere with less stimulation than my yard. Rooster ended up not making the cut for my pens, but is still a...
  12. piminuse

    Fibro barn mixes--sex link?

    I would LOVE to see pics of your ayam/mosaic crosses if you have any. We suspect that the mosaic x AC/LH girls are the entirely black chicks. Wondering if they'll feather out with more color variety or if they'll stay dark. They're a week old today and very docile, sweet and a bit on the small side.
  13. piminuse

    Fibro barn mixes--sex link?

    I was missing the "high" of chicken tending now that I'm back at work and decided to set 18 eggs at the beginning of Feb. Hatch day was yesterday, and of course I got called in to work, so I have no idea who came out of what egg, but so far there are 12 puffballs running around the brooder. I'm...
  14. piminuse

    A Barbezieux Thread.

    We ended up roasting a 3.5# bird for the Thanksgiving table. Used this recipe with a few minor adjustments (no bacon, reduced brine due to size of bird, no roast carrot/potatoes underneath--just thinly slice onion to turn into gravy. The breast was nice and tender and the skin was sooo yellow...
  15. piminuse

    Sunnyside Rainbow Eggers Thread! *chick pics*

    OH my, and they are totally worth the wait with that shade of green!!
  16. piminuse

    A Barbezieux Thread.

    Oregon went into lockdown again, so I had some free time to process, and I was tired of hearing five roosters go off at 6:30am. I'm sure my neighbors were quietly cheering me on when I started hanging up my ropes and heating up my stock pot! Two of the birds processed were my Barb cocks who...
  17. piminuse

    Rican Chicken Gal here

    Hello and welcome to the flock!
  18. piminuse

    Hi! I'm Liz and I love Easter Eggers

    Hello and welcome to the flock! What wonderful photos; sounds like you've got quite a lovely group with lots of color variation. You'll get lots of pretty eggs in your basket too with that mix :)
  19. piminuse

    Will you be buying baby chicks next Spring, and if so from where?

    ohmygosh I am so excited for you! I ordered 6 Faverolles, but only plan on keeping two. I've never had one but I am o b s e s s e d. They are too cute!
  20. piminuse

    Hi, I am a chicken breeder and egg production enthusiast based in Harare and Christon Bank in Zimbabwe

    Hello, and welcome to the flock! I'm hoping to have a few broodies come spring for natural chicken rearing, but nowhere near your numbers. Kudos to the success!
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