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  1. Owenp_2

    Taking care of a broody hen…

    Thanks, this has to be the most helpful reply I’ve ever received. The only thing is I didn’t mark the eggs that were under her and I noticed some of the other hens would go in there to lay their eggs anyways. Since I went on vacation, when I go back it’ll be around day 5-6 for the original...
  2. Owenp_2

    Taking care of a broody hen…

    I have had chickens for 2 1/2 years now and I’ve never had a hen go broody. I free range my chickens and they always do fine. I have 5 hens and 1 rooster now (thanks to the neighbors dog). When I saw my White Leghorn sitting on 9 eggs the other day I was pumped. This had been the second day of...
  3. Owenp_2

    Roo or hen??

    I bought some chicks back in the fall, purchasing 4 hens and 1 roo. The first rooster became obvious but one of my “hens” started to develop bigger combs than the other hens and by about week 12 (give or take) it became clear it was a rooster.
  4. Owenp_2

    Thank you!! I put some feed on my phone screen and turned on a ten second timer to capture...

    Thank you!! I put some feed on my phone screen and turned on a ten second timer to capture pictures. Loved the results!
  5. Owenp_2

    How do you get water out to your coop?

    Hey, I am remodeling my chicken coop and I thought it would be efficient if I could get water out to the coop. So, I wanted to know how you guys got water out to your coop or what natural methods you use?
  6. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    Okay, thanks! The budget isn’t that much of an issue because my dad said I could do whatever I needed to. I don’t want to spend a lot of money though because I’m saving up to expand the coop almost 2x in size. What I’m doing right now to is putting 2 feet of hardware cloth around the whole coop...
  7. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    I will post a bunch of pictures tomorrow!
  8. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    That’s what I have been working on all day is burying hardware cloth.
  9. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    Thank you! And yes, I will upload pictures in the morning. I cleaned up the whole coop today for a fresh start and started digging about 2 feet wide and 3 inches deep to put hardware cloth around the perimeter.
  10. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    I’ll take pictures of the coop later. My coop is all one price it’s kind of like a shed so the run and coop part are together.
  11. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    Will you cover the concrete with some sort of bedding?
  12. Owenp_2

    Need Help keeping my coop secure... suggestions?

    Hey, so a few days ago I had a fox come in and kill all 19 of my chickens. Yes... all 19. I have cried A LOT over the past few days but I love chickens so I'm going to continue to raise chickens and this time I'll make sure the coop is a safer place. With that said does anyone have any ideas as...
  13. Owenp_2

    Help with the breed/sexing

    Depending on where you got the marans they may not have feathered feet. For example, black copper Marans are called French BCM when they have feathered feet.
  14. Owenp_2

    Feeding the flock

    Okay, tomorrow morning I'll fill the feeder up with chick feed.
  15. Owenp_2

    Feeding the flock

    Okay. Does the chick feed affect the hens laying at all? Also what will too much calcium do to the chicks?
  16. Owenp_2

    Feeding the flock

    Okay, thank you. Do you think that giving the older hens eggshells would provide enough calcium? I am on a budget because I have to pay back my parents for a loan. I recently bought two cows so I am trying not to spend a ton of money right now.
  17. Owenp_2

    Feeding the flock

    Hey everyone, I have three hens about a year and half old that stay in my larger chicken coop. I bought five female chicks from the feed store about five weeks ago. My other chicks are about a week old from a hatchery. I took one of the big nesting boxes and transformed it into a sleeping...
  18. Owenp_2

    Mixed Breeds?

    Woah, these are pretty birds what color eggs do they lay?
  19. Owenp_2

    Mixed Breeds?

    Yes, that's what I figured.
  20. Owenp_2

    Mixed Breeds?

    I'm wanting to try barred rocks with my Rhode island reds but I'm not sure yet.
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