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  1. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Looks like they're on it. And it's within the city limits, too. :(
  2. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    When I lived in Flagstaff, I used to go to Olsen's all the time. They do have a few stores in other places, but if you're in Flag, I just got a notification saying there's a fire starting up in west Flagstaff on Mars Hill. :hit
  3. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    LOL! That is one rebellious looking chicken! :love:gig
  4. Geckolady

    Seven chickens to a good home...

    Also try posting on your state's thread.
  5. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Most of us have had the smallpox vaccine as kids. Would this help us fight it off?
  6. Geckolady

    Water Glassing Eggs

    It's prime egg laying season, and I decided to try water glassing eggs to preserve some of them for later in the year when the egg laying slows down. I just put two dozen eggs into the water glass solution in a gallon glass pickle jar, and one or two of them were floating. None of these eggs...
  7. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    The homestead must be defended, and he's just the bird to do it! It won't be much longer before I'll be listening for crowing, too. :( Fancy and Bulova are really interested in the chicks. Maybe they'll teach the boys some manners? :fl They have decided that chicken food in the chicks'...
  8. Geckolady

    Chicken identification app

    Ummm, this is a forum for hopeless chicken enablers failing chicken math. If you make a post saying, "Should I get these chicks?" the answer will be yes. :D I agree, an app would be great.
  9. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, everybody's fine! They slept on the ground huddled together, and this morning two of them figured out how to go up the ramp. The only casualty was Big Ben, yesterday. He scraped his foot on the gravel with all the scratching he did in front of the little invaders.
  10. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    LOL, that's why I'm glad they're outside! :D They were huddled in one corner. They wouldn't stay in the top part, though.
  11. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    It's supposed to be calm tonight, with "gusts" of 6 mph, so the wind shouldn't be too bad. I'm just worried about them on their first night outside. But it is nice to have them out of the house!
  12. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Do you think they will be OK at that temperature?
  13. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Well, he seems to think the whole place is his, so probably. The chicks keep wanting to stay in the bottom run part of the tractor. As dusk I tried putting them in the top where it would be warmer and probably safer. They ran back down again as quickly as I could put them up there, so it...
  14. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    It looks like the pony express ride already took place this year. Big Ben keeps looking at the chicken tractor and scratching the ground. I hope that doesn't mean he wants to fight with his grandsons.
  15. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Agreed, good luck. It's not easy to re-home a cockerel. As of a few minutes ago, my chicks, who turn 6 weeks old today and tomorrow, are outdoors, but not before Belly/Nellie escaped in the house and gave me a really hard time catching her. I'm guessing 3-4 cockerels out of the 7 chicks...
  16. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Good morning, Arizona peeps!
  17. Geckolady

    My Dream Rooster! What Breed Is He?

    LOL, thanks. :) And glad you figured out that it was a joke. That picture was just too good not to share. And I'd still love to have a rooster like that....
  18. Geckolady

    My Dream Rooster! What Breed Is He?

    I want this dude. This sure beats crowing to wake people up. And it looks like he's doing a great job of keeping himself out of the stewpot, too. Smart guy. I need him to sire some batches of chicks that will hopefully turn out just like daddy. Any idea what breed?
  19. Geckolady

    Arizona Chickens

    Happy Birthday, Bluebaby!!!
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