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  1. A

    Coccidiosis treatment

    Hi all, I need some help. About two weeks ago I did a Corid treatment (1/2ts per gal for 5 days) and no bloody poop until yesterday. I’m so confused - if my girls had cocci wouldn’t they be showing other symptoms? They are all super healthy with no ruffled feathers and clean vents. My big girls...
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    Is this coccidiosis?

    That looks like intestinal shedding to me
  3. A

    Is this coccidiosis?

    Good idea - I will check. If by some weird reason it’s not coccidiosis and I still give them the Corid will it harm them?
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    Is this coccidiosis?

    This is the second time I’ve seen blood in my chickens stool. My chickens have always been healthy, they’re very well taken care of. Always a clean coop and always clean water. I have four three month old hens and three 5 month old hens (who should start laying any day now). I’m super worried...
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