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  1. Beamerz

    DIY Chicken Coops and Managing the Flock by the Old Timers

    Thanks for sharing all you did... I've been learning trial and error ( lots of those) for the last 4 years which in the greater scheme of things is a drop in the bucket... I bought a do it yourself 8x12 tool shed from Home Depot or Lowes... and it was a pain to build in some ways but we got it...
  2. Beamerz

    Dust Bath for Chicks?

    My two week old chicks were doing the same.. I went to the beach and brought home some fine sand and put it in a big shallow round Tupper-ware dish inside of an accessible cardboard box with higher sides. They seem to be eating it like grit but haven't started bathing in it yet... but it took...
  3. Beamerz

    Planning Integration of new chicks and have a few questions

    saysfaa thank you so much for your reply and comments.. very helpful... I have them in a room with a wood stove and it's pretty warm so I'll try to move them into a cooler room in a week or so and gradually reduce the temperature as they continue to feather so the transition will not be...
  4. Beamerz

    Planning Integration of new chicks and have a few questions

    I read that awesome post from 2016 on " Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors" That is an awesome post and hinged on some ideas that I was trying to conceptualize . I've got a 3 yr old flock of 14 in my coop with 2 roos ( so far so good) one was...
  5. Beamerz

    Comment by 'Beamerz' in article 'Using Sand In Your Chicken Coop'

    Great idea with the Hardware cloth for sifting... I've been using hemp for years but love this idea of getting even more mileage out of it... I was looking to see if it's good for baby chicks as well... in a brooder.. which I've never done before.. I usually have broodie hens but wanted to get...
  6. Beamerz

    Feed for rooster in free range flock

    Thanks for saying that ... I free range for as much of the year as is practical... More when we have leaf cover less during winter but I noticed they hardly touch the oyster shell , but used to moreso before I began to free range and I didn't understand why.
  7. Beamerz

    Is it ok if 2 hens are coparenting??

    I was searching for some input and this thread seems closest to what I'm needing to try to learn. I'm in my 2nd year of leaving eggs to hatch. Last year we had a cold Spring so the first shot was a no go, but I did have 6 chicks hatch out of two nests last year. This year ( I had a hip...
  8. Beamerz

    All feed ok for fermentation??

    I'm following up on this fermentation thread and getting ready to make some for my guy and girls... I have sheep yogurt... I'm supposing that would work same as cow ... so should be ok right?
  9. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    Thank you so much for your informed responses.. they are so appreciated. I've been letting her free range with the flock in the afternoon.. and keeping her nearby so I can keep up meds and observing.. The Ascities seems to be slowly diminishing and I'm sort of distracted with multiple other...
  10. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    Your replies have been very much appreciated. I did show my Husband some pics of Lash eggs but it was actually a couple of weeks ago and he said it was after work, he was tired.. he just knew it was very abnormal and threw it out. He told me about it but I ( at the time) had never heard of a...
  11. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    As the poop chart shows , that yellow can be a sign of some contagious diseases i.e. fowl typhoid, coccidiosis , kidney malfunction, or worms and I'm partially disabled and have to go up and down a big hill to attend to her, it's easier for me to...
  12. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    UPDATE on My Bird - I was unable to reach a vet to ask for fecal float today.. I live in a place that gets SWAMPED in summer.. nothing works then... She is far less swollen in her abdomen, is still passing somewhat yellowish mixed with dark usually looking poop and I know that can't be good but...
  13. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    She is not moving much but is not in a penguin stance, and I'm not inclined to put here with the flock as I don't know what she is suffering from but I can observe her better keeping her at home with me. have 6 young chicks in my main coop in their own enclosure with 2 moms. I ask for a fecal...
  14. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    Her body cavity is bloated but seem somewhat less so than yesterday after she emptied her bowels ( shown in picture) I gave calcium carbonate as it's what I had and I live in a remote location and would try to get what right but didn't know what form of CA was. I can ask around for some close...
  15. Beamerz

    Is this Ascites or Egg Bound do you think

    I have new chicks with two moms and I've been overly consumed with them for the last two weeks.. Last night I noticed my 3 year old Red Hen "Lucy".. standing in front of a water dish acting oddly. I picked her up and right away though oh no.. ascites.. because I lost a bird to that a couple of...
  16. Beamerz

    Bugs in my chicken feed

    what and excellent idea
  17. Beamerz

    Chicken has green loose stool. Advice please!

    me too! always trying to learn.. and the learning curve is sometime a bit steep.. I think it's really good for people to weigh in when the agree and disagree because although that can leave one unsettled., it allows us to remain open, and hopefully the really seasoned here can help to settle...
  18. Beamerz

    Fell From Heaven to My Back Yard

    This is a great place to learn and learn I have over the last 2 plus years.. although I'm sure I have much left to learn. These birds have taught me so much..good lucku to you, now get your girl a girl friend at least..! One think is a pretty safe bet.. you'd never have to buy a rooster...
  19. Beamerz

    Good treats for baby chicks?

    I thought avacados were a definite no no for chickens.. .
  20. Beamerz

    Racoons help!

    Hello, I'm glad I was of some help to you. No I do not believe you need more than one trap to consecutively catch Racs.. My husband sets 2-3 traps at homes and will catch a mix of skunks and racs... but it's once they have BEEN IN a trap that they won't retrap.. . Trapping is the most likely...
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